skip bifferty

It’s a lie to get attention. Anybody with any sense of humanity can recognize that and recognize that anyone is capable of it, and those that don’t are so blindly ideological that it doesn’t matter. Nobody’s mind has been changed by this. Nobody is in any more jeopardy than they were before. People’s credibility

Yeah, lots of things are crimes that people don’t actually end up going to jail for.

What something is that?  Is it your straw man?

You mean the article written by Joshua Seidel? (“Follow him on Twitter @jewrightwing”)

Based on what?

Divorced based on what?

Before anybody calls me out on it, I’ll call myself out; I forgot that it’s actually not a first time for him. He’s defrauded the police before; claimed he was his brother during a traffic stop. I still don’t see jail time, I still don’t believe in jail time for him (at most a suspended sentence), but he should really

Yes, when people lie, it does undercut the credibility of everyone telling the truth.  That’s just kinda the pitfalls of being human. 

He won’t, and shouldn’t, go to jail for this. He’s been sufficiently humiliated. I would hope everybody with a sense of compassion and perspective would appreciate this. It’s a first time, non-violent offense. Make fines commensurate with the costs of manpower hours to investigate his case and let’s all just go about

Arby’s, I think we need to talk. This is... concerning.

So, she’s not Jewish, and therefore not allowed to be bothered by antisemitism.

I wonder if this means Touchstone films too. If so, that’s a pretty staggering amount of content.  Even if not it’s still pretty mammoth.  We’re talking about 80 years of film production, several films a year.


Hey now!

If you think that’s bad, wait until you see the scene of them shopping for and trying on new outfits scored to “Material Girl.”

Or so they would have you believe.

♫ Won’t you come home, MwFuller?

Apparently, neither does anybody else.

What is a major fucking bummer, Alex?