skip bifferty

Interesting it has “National Overdose Deaths” and then under that “Number of Deaths Involving Opioids.” ‘Involving’ is a pretty broad term; involving as in they died and they had opioids in their system? Pardon me and others for being skeptical of these numbers; attitudes around drug use have changed, and now all

I too have had similar wait-time experiences regarding McDonald’s vs Burger King. And since you’ve brought up the subject of drive-thru etiquette...

I think perhaps the most consistent quality of all avowed Trump supporters is that they really don’t care if their personal data has been revealed to any and everyone. Try to get them not to tell you everything about themselves.

I can’t really fully begrudge the self-aggrandizers here, because we’re essentially talking about intellectual bat flippers. “Hey, fuck you! You’re showing me up!” “Yeah, well I did just go yard; don’t I get to display a modicum of satisfaction over it?” This can clearly be taken too far, but I think, as in my

Between this and Allen Gregory, sounds like Jonah’s got some major childhood shit he’s working through.

First one has to understand what one is trying to accomplish, which is teaching certain people to stifle their ignorance insecurity gag reflex: “What, you think you’re smarter than me?” But therein lies the paradox; teaching people how to be taught. I’ve found that you can attempt to sugarcoat it through dozens of

Let me fix that quote for you:

Talk about burying the lede, AV Club. From the same interview:

Why am I comfortable with it? Because I cannot envision a scenario where Walmart knowing my “heart rate, palm temperature, grip force, and walking speed” while shopping is a concern. And I don’t think Walmart will know what to do with it either. Corporations love their toys. They’ll patent it, put it in a couple of

Speaking as one who calls stuff like this out, this isn’t really stuff like this. Jamie herself said Fox News did not contact her in regards to her views prior to their commentary, which don’t suggest to me that she is any more “anti-gun” than someone would be anti-sex for contending people shouldn’t fuck each other

we’d have to guess that it involves a wooded area, some kind of gym, a series of miniature trucks...”

The basic idea is that the new law makes it easier for musicians and songwriters to get paid from digital streams, with Trump naturally making it all about himself”


You guys are starting to sound pretty paranoid. Like tin foil hat paranoid. 

“cloak itself in human skin”

Oh Mandy

Drew: I have no recollection of conducting any interview with your magazine.

I think we have here another clear-cut example of two people talking across, rather than to, each other (and a lot more doing it in these comments). She brings up Louis CK, and Jimmy starts to interpret these question as being about whether he would book Louis CK or a similarly disgraced comedian. Whereas I think his

“a club has a responsibility to make sure its employees won’t, say, take their dick out in front of other performers backstage”

The ne ultra plus of this phenomenon was Cheers.