skip bifferty

Yeah, it sounds like this is less about the problems of child sexual abuse, and more about the problems of anthropomorphism.

Another fun thing to do: watch the old All Commercials special on Shout! Factory. It includes a performance of The Dirt Band’s (they’d dropped the Nitty Gritty at that point) “Make a Little Magic,” featuring a Very Special Guest... er... ‘filling in’ for Nicolette Larson, who had sung some backing vocals for that

Sean O’Neal has a fevah! And the only cure... is more banjo!

Sounds like it’s no All Commercials, but what can you expect when you’ve replaced the comic dynamism of Louis Nye and Julie Dees with Martin effing Short?

Trump referred to human beings as animals

Well, if he had phrased it as “white guys being more awesome at stuff the natives should be more awesome at,” then you really can’t include Dances With Wolves, because that in no way describes it. I’m pretty sure he meant it as he said it, I guess because white people should always be regarded with suspicion and

the requisite fan-service and sequel-teasing

I don’t think the word “curio” means what you think it does.

Yes, it does take place in an alternative reality.

Now playing

So basically, Bravo picked up Project Runway off the clearance rack. So to Bravo I say,

Actually, I think we’ve all been confused by a typo; they meant to say that it was “causally Progressive,” meaning the show has only survived as long as it has because it’s sponsored by Progressive Insurance.

Later today, Superman will fly in and collectively kiss all of us, and we’ll forget this ever happened.

You think you’re uncomfortable now? Wait until the Very Special Episode when it’s revealed that Scully has Down syndrome.

Gay black captain. Two Latina detectives.

This is the problem with never letting anything die. The more we love a franchise, the more it has to be tortured for our amusement.

Action moments, car crashes and other general destruction of property, veteran high-profile cast members, lots of outdoor location shooting; but I’m just spitballing. Maybe it’s not. Seems like it is.

Barney Miller-style

Pretty much always gonna be a money thing, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine seems like it’s kinda expensive, with no really practical way to cut into that without losing cast or locking them in the precinct Barney Miller-style.

The Gizmodo Media Group is owned by Univision Communications, and Univision Communications has just been pwned by the Gizmodo Media Group.

Now playing

Chin up, Bill. They can take your honors and awards and whatnot, but they can never take this away from you: