skip bifferty

Funny, I tried basically the same line once on a cop who pulled me over, “I didn’t know the speed limit here, and I presumed someone would tell me when I was going too fast. Are you saying you’re still going to give me a ticket for going 97 in a 25 mph zone? This is so unfair!”

“You know what they call [something Hobbits drink or eat or smoke or something] in [one of those 10,000 places they go]?”

The trial episode in particular was shockingly, embarrassingly lazy, obvious, inept comedy that made me wonder if Tiny Fey was so wrapped up in acting in it, she decided to have it ghost-written by the Family Guy writer’s room.

So they’re making a whole movie about that scene in Eraser?

That’s the thing; we want to remember Troy as a dud, but I just looked it up on Box Office Mojo and holy shit that movie grossed $500 million worldwide. I thought it had done okay, but that seriously surprised me. So now he’s a featured player in 8 very successful films, one pretty standard Ridley Scott

Marty, I love ya, but you sound so fucking old-man right now, which is fine if you’ve got a point to back it up and you just don’t. Rottentomatoes is a tool. You can use it well, or you can use it poorly. I’m not going to shit on the hammer if someone uses it to smack me in the head.

“When you do this journalism, make sure you do good journalism. You can save your standard sloppy, poorly-sourced, pandering journalism for out-of-house matters.”

Once again, my point is that bullies gonna bully. Hatahs gonna hate. I’m not telling anybody they’re not allowed to not like something. And I’m certainly not ‘joining or defending’ bullies through any of my commentary here, and I’m not sure where one would even get that from. Nothing from what I said was to suggest

And once again, I’m not sure what you’re gleaning “mad” from. Don’t project your anger on to everybody else. Yours is not mine.

Sidenote: Has anybody gotten less traction - hell, could you even imagine anybody getting less traction - out of their association with two uber-franchises than Orlando Bloom? I mean, Elizabethtown wasn’t very good, and he was kind of a void at the center of it, but I’m surprised how suddenly and definitively it

I wish her the best of luck, but I just don’t think this lawsuit is going to have a lot of traction, considering that Ashley Judd was an above-the-line movie star both before and after Lord of the Rings got made. Clearly Weinstein is sub-human garbage, and clearly he was bad-mouthing her because he’s a skeevy scumbag,

Slurs and “bad words” in general rarely have an inherent reason to be offensive

This is the side of the discussion that so many people don’t seem to get. Yes, Apu has provided ammunition for bullies, but so what? In a culture where Chinaman is considered a racial slur, which literally just means “man from China”, the bullies are going to find that ammunition somewhere. Anywhere. And then it just

I guess now is where everybody pretends that the foundation of Groening’s work isn’t structured upon ironic engagement with stereotypes.

He wrote a song to be performed by his 15 year-old wife called Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number. I mean, it’s an admittedly cynical interpretation to call that bragging, but I don’t know; I think R. Kelly may have given people a reason or two to be cynical regarding him and his skeeviness. And I can understand why R.

I do wonder how you can so much as sit in a room, much less work together, with the guy and not look directly at him and say, “Hey, you’re that guy who essentially brags about fucking children.”

“often in their late teens”

Oh yeah? Well when was the last time your heard a story about a last minute coked-out binge to create a practical-effect model while communing with the ghost of John Belushi?

It’s exactly these kinds of stories that are being killed by the dominance of CGI in modern cinema.

No, because I recognize the difference between criticizing someone for not meeting your standard, which is what you’re doing, and criticizing someone for not meeting their own standard, which is what I’m doing. Your standards aren’t mine; that’s why we had our discussion in the first place. So I’m not being