skip bifferty

Yes, but you’re the one who’s supposed to know better, aren’t you? Go ahead, say it a couple more times. You know you want to. It’ll really get under my skin, I promise.

Yes, I know what my position was. Do you know what yours is? Because if it is that this name is so offensive and represents racist diminishing, then why do you keep repeatedly calling it out just to childishly taunt me when you know every time an Asian person reads it, it reminds them of that hurt and belittlement?

You must get a big kick out of that name. You keep repeating it despite your seeming contention that it’s so horribly offensive. Shouldn’t you code it up somehow out of respect for sensitivities and all that? The D-Name?

No, I have defended some people who are accused of exhibiting racist behaviors, attitudes, or whatnot by arguing how their actions don’t inherently constitute racism.

I love that people like you think you can use these terms like some sort of incantation; “I say it, and it is so! Presto-chango, you racist.” I would be curious to know what racist beliefs you think you’ve heard me espouse.

Yes, the more boundaries we can erect for people to participate in things as it relates to racial purity, the better.

Come for the Cloverfield connection; stay for the pistol whippings!

If I jokingly said “I think I actually just died of embarrassment.” or “I think I seriously just died of embarrassment.” would you criticize the fact that I don’t actually or seriously think those things?

You can call it anything you want, but you’re treating it like an equation. No, linguistic changes and the cellular mutation process are not similar things. Which is why I never suggested or intimated that they are. That’s not what a comparison is. That’s why I specifically mentioned in my rebuttal that I highlighted

Except that’s not what I did. I stated that an evolution isn’t always a benign transition, and used a comparison to illustrate that point. I recognize there are differences between dramatic hyperbole and cancerous growth that exist beyond the single similarity I highlighted, which is what makes it a comparison and not

“the hyperbole here only serves to creates obstacles to more respectful and productive engagement”

Stop resorting to the fallacy that criticizing a specific trend is equivalent to criticizing the existence of change. I get that languages change over time. What I don’t like is how something might change. Take for example the word “literally.” It has evolved to a place where it has no meaning at all anymore, and it’s

Okay, so you’ve explained the dynamics. It doesn’t mean somebody has to like it or agree with it or cannot believe that it’s ultimately a harmful trend that only becomes more and more pronounced.

Maybe some people don’t see it as so innocuous, at least as it relates to a broader trend of increasingly dramatic language being applied to the essentially mundane. And I really dislike how people use the concept of evolution as always being some benign process to be surrendered to. Healthy cells can evolve into

I don’t know what point this Shuja Haider person thinks he’s making by putting those tweets side-by-side, but the sight of a two octopi playing ping-ping with all eight tentacles sounds like it would inspire awe in me, and is neither food nor a television show.

I bought tickets to ConCon once, but when I arrived, it was just an empty, gutted Sears.

If that’s how you see it, then that’s how you see it. But that’s never how I saw it. For me, something can be the subject of humor without attaching a pejorative viewpoint to it, that I’m “laughing at” it. I mean, I guess I’m “laughing at” Farmer Ted and his dorky buddies too. In a farce structure, we’re “laughing at”

You’re right; tastebuds are stupid. Stupid tastebuds, like broccoli more than those Ghirardelli chocolate truffle things with the creamy center oh god they’re so good I can’t even...

It’s almost like you’re suggesting that this was a completely baseless overreaction, and that terrorists aren’t renowned for their ironic sense of humor. I know whenever I see someone make an ironic joke, the next logical assumption is that they have a bomb, and...