To this Native American woman, hell would be in the same room as this guy. Hell on earth is watching his movies :p
To this Native American woman, hell would be in the same room as this guy. Hell on earth is watching his movies :p
Hahahahah you seriously think there is such a thing as racism against white Englishmen, that is hilarious.
Oh Canada has MORE than its fair share of those. These comments are identical to those under *every single article* about aboriginal issues in the comments section of online Canadian newspapers.
In a single moment, Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Video Game won me over.
I agree the tattoos look stupid. However it looks like (to me) that they could be going for a more charismatic Joker who jokes a lot, smiles, is happy and enthusiastic in his twisted way, and acts very clown like (like The Mask) from the cartoons. Especially since from this photo it looks like he’s smiling more than…
Guys stop acting like your’re so embarrassed to admit to liking these movies. Just own up to it. And don’t cop out adding in some “yeah I like them.... they’re so dumb you can’t help it!” shit at the end. Most of you probably fawn over christopher nolan so there is literally no excuse to act like you’re too good for…
Come on now, Goku’s been in a bunch of fighting games. He’s just to cliche, I’d like a more obscure, but equally cool character:
I voted for an oddball, because I actually think it’s most worthy given the history. I voted for Toad/Toadette/Captain Toad as a set. Toad has been an essential part of the Nintendo gaming universe since the very beginning. He’s been in just about every Mario spin-off game imaginable, he’s always a cornerstone in the…
Artoo In Love is a sweet little short film about the galaxy’s favourite astromech droid, and his search for female…
My favourite thing about Life is Strange is that it encourages you to be present in the moment.
...I'm Navajo and I loved this show.... ...I thought they captured a part of Native Americans that I don't see in media: our sense of humor and feeling torn between cultures....
My favourite D&D parody movie was Mazes And Monsters, because it showed our parents what kind of evil game their kids were playing. :(