
Curious if they also white wash over the Native American genocide like many other text books? If the book treats slavery in this manner, I don’t have any high hopes.

I’ve never heard of Extermination. I may have to check it out. Thanks for the reccomend.

I have an affinity for bad games and this game reminded me of another game I love that is kind of bad Winback, so I picked this game up in a $5 bin.

I remember only seeing this arcade in Las Vegas. My uncle was a bullrider and would go to the championships in Vegas every year and I was stoked because it meant I could play this amazing game again. I would save all year to play it multiple times since it was a dollar! Thanks for the flashback.

I realized that was dumb. My apologies. This guy can shut his entitled pie hole.

I agree. I figured one wouldn’t order dessert if they have seen all the food they’ve eaten. I know I won’t order if I see what a pig I’ve been.

To get a crazy 80s fix, I cannot reccomend the 2nd season of Danger 5. It is incredible.

As much as I love Goku, I would rather have ANYONE from Chrono Trigger. Especially Robo.

We grew up the same way back home on the reservation. Eating garbage food, but it was what we could afford. Food that is terrible for you is always cheaper. I just hope there can be some better alternatives in the markets. I doubt it, but I hope so.

I'm Navajo and I loved this show. While I cannot comment on how the Asian community thinks of Dong, I feel pretty strongly about the Native American arc. In the third episode where Mrs. Vorhees parents are introduced, I died. I thought they captured a part of Native Americans that I don't see in media: our sense of

I would love a jersey for each of these.

I would love a jersey for each of these.

I believe it is Dandong. They told me the name like, a hundred times, but I keep forgetting. Naw, nothing that cool. We are working on a documentary with their university. I think we may be heading to Beijing for a few days. If we do, how do I look you up? Thanks a lot man.

This is actually really helpful. Thanks Eric Jou. I am going to China in May for a few weeks to work on a movie and I am both excited and nervous. I have never traveled internationally (except to Mexico many times) and I had no idea what to expect. Definitely takes a little anxiety off my mind.

One of the main aspects of this game that I caught my eye was that the protagonist is Native. I gather that he is portrayed more realistically then other Indian heroes. I hope this is a new trend in gaming that allows players to play as characters that are a bit more diverse.

Probably doesn't help that my dog just got surgery and is in a cast, but yeah... I totally teared up at the end. Great vid.

Maybe it's because I'm an older gamer and we didn't have say in our games, but I do not understand this vitriolic hate that fanboys/girls have for games. My sister-in-law was so pissed about Mass Effect 3 that she joined all the campaigns to change the ending and even wrote her own fanfiction on how it should have

Every time I see these amazing collections, whether it be 40k or video games or action figures, my first thought always goes to:

I really started researching the tension between Korea and Japan after watching the Korean flick Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary. I always knew that there were tensions between the two, historically speaking, but did not know it was this bad! This is one time when I don't think the media are to fault as much.

This looks great. Love the setting and the character designs. I will be all over this!