Skins Uno

Man in the box, get out of that box!

Having your ass pounded, via morse code. Oh, "fictional." Then I don't know.

'Marc Webb doesn’t regret making the Amazing Spider-Man movies' You know what, nor should he! Buddy did it his way, baby, and clearly gave no fucks! Character development… pshaw! And hey, everybody's got their turn to redevelop the franchise sooner than later! Why beat yourself up over underwhelming returns?! The

How to?? Be persistent?? Using transcripts of Bill O'Reilley's abhorrent behaviour?

Better to have vetoed it, then.

This ain't all right with me.

Yes, but they didn't NEED them, per say.

My head was shaking from just utter disbelieve that he could be so unwittingly self-destructive. I mean, he's always seemed unwittingly self-destructive in the face of fucked up situations of his own doing. But Suzanne's admonishment might take the cake. And that says something! He's like in the ninth circle of hell.

Dear God, Forrest is fucked! His own personal hell.

Wasn't Conan O'Brien at one point on NBC before switching to TBS? Wonder what THAT was like…

Jesse's taking care of the cat. Mentioned his first appearance. Done and done… and never to be brought up again.

Charles AND Logan's death sequences and the immediate aftermath were just magnificent! Heartbreaking, both goodbyes. Moving forward, I hope Dahne Keen continues in the role of Laura/X-23. She's a revelation!

There's always flashback. AND FLASHSIDEWAYS.

Goddamn this schmaltzy show! Rest In Peace, William Hill. May Randall ingest shrooms again and envision you and Jack together.

Maximum three at a table. Fourth's gotta pull up a chair and sit just off from the table (or squeeze in) or sit by the counter. Also, no seating facing the back wall. (It just looks awkward.)

"Why don't you just tell me the movie you want to see?!"