
Counterpoint: our president is a cartoon rich guy who literally shits in gold toilets and cheated his way to the office. (He might also get away with it, too, thanks to control of public opinion through traditional and social media.) 

I have started to adopt Tahani’s way of name-dropping (“As I was saying at hot yoga with my friends Harry and Meghan, doesn’t matter where they are Duke and Duchess of, my friend Sting once told me . . .”). Only I don’t know any famous people, so it all comes across as Midwestern sadness (“As I was saying to my friend

And to think I only used to halfway HATE Disney.

My sense is that this has very little to do with the quality of the show, and everything to do with Disney positioning itself as Netflix’s new biggest competitor, with the Marvel brands as one of its biggest weapons to pry viewers away.

What made it for me was that they even included the choreography from the video!

He’s just so distractingly jacked.

The beauty of the gag, and it is such a beautiful gag, has a lot to do with how they wrote “Jeremy Bearimy”. Using big, friendly looping cursive that also arcs up in the middle gives everything a goofy, architectural form that perfectly reinforces the idea.

“from the imagination of Tim Burton” stopped being a selling point 20 years ago

Yes to that and because he also reminds me of every douchebag who tortured me in high school for being an ugly, uppity women.

Hey you, that’s Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale! She deserves her full title.

I wasn’t a Buffy fan at all but sat through them because of someone I was seeing back then. Her stuff was the only time the show wasn’t a ridiculous slog for me.

she did also write I Only Have Eyes For You, which is one of the all-time best episodes

The funny thing is, if the roles were reversed (Fox News makes fun of Democrat with disability, apologizes the next week and has said Democrat on to give as good as s/he took), conservatives would be HOWLING about how sensitive everyone is and how no one can so much as walk around without offending someone.

This guy thinks gun laws are stupid, abortions are evil, and liberals are the real fascists, but hey, he read some funny lines off a teleprompter so he can’t be that bad!”

I made the mistake of being willing for one milisecond to give this Crenshaw guy the benefit of the doubt, but one look at his Ballotopedia change quickly remedied that. The dude makes multiple references to “radical leftists”, says abortions are evil, that liberals hate free speech and don’t know how guns work so

Whatever. Crenshaw is a Republican. With one eye, he can still look in the mirror and see a piece of shit.

Stop saying Manny's name. You'll summon him like Beetlejuice or Candyman. 

And fuck that Roy Harrison person.

Thank you so much for this interview. Charlie’s Angels was the first show I remember watching regularly. I realize now that what I probably admired the most about the show was Jean Coulter’s work.

Alcohol laws in this country are incredibly stupid in general.  I grew up in California, and now live in Texas and find blue laws hilarious.  I used to manage a Target in a “dry” city.  So we couldn’t sell beer.  But the Buffalo Wild Wings across the parking lot could.  So its cool to get drunk and drive home, but not