
Shocking that people aren’t wild about $60k (at 7% interest!) cars with limited, often-broken charging infrastructure and insane repair and maintenance costs.

Am I the only one getting viscerally uneasy by watching these videos? I go flailing through a spectrum of emotions, none pleasant.

What the FUCK are you thinking she’s going to do, start firing a gun at this lunatic threatening her? And when he shoots back and accidentally hits one of the kids in the back, then what? “Collateral damage?”

You are conjuring a scenario that happens extremely rarely regardless of what the media portrays. Even if it does, if the so-called psycho has the drop on your wife and her scrambling for a gun a sure fire way to get killed.

He is lawfully permitted to carry a concealed firearm

Yes!!!  It’s a Delorean and an Aztek had a baby, and it had none of the redeeming qualities of either parent.

Nice reach but lay off the Kool-aid there fella. 


The GOP report itself found no evidence. Turn off the right wing nonsense.

Universal healthcare, maybe? Gun control? The general concept of accountability?

Breaks only slow you down. 

Brakes are for the weak, and those tires you can get cheaper elsewhere. Pass. 

And the first 500 lucky customers also get free AOL!!!

The irony.

Nope. Don’t reward Disney for putting that movie out.

Nope. Don’t reward Disney for putting that movie out.

Call it the 737 MAGA edition and it will stay aloft by thoughts and prayers. Maybe.

tomorrow at thanksgiving i’m going to announce that i am thankful that nobody in my family looks as much like shit as somehow FIFTY NINE year old Jeremy Clarkson.  The guy looks like he could have been frat bros with Biden.

I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?

Stereo is overkill, which if you’re keeping score at home, is just the right amount.

That’s a nice thought, but no. Trump’s narcissistic personality disorder has already rationalized this incident away (they were saying “Lock HER up” obviously).