
I think the least they could have done was had them do a push start and have all 7 of them jump in like an actual bobsled. They could have done what they did with 6 crash test dummys and then 1 person up front steering.

I think what it would come down to, is what the old man paid. Did he pay extra for the “hemi” or did he pay base model price?

Couldn’t Elon Musk start a company called “Tesla Dealership Group” or something along those lines or Elon himself that would franchise all the dealerships from Tesla? This way they could then still keep all the dealerships under Tesla, but still have dealerships?

There’s also a stretch of road near Michigan Tech where they have been trying out new materials in road. Theirs is more so to combat ice on the road without salt, or so I was told. It’s kind of cool to see because the road goes from black, to green, to black, to red.

That’s exactly the point...

It’s not that they are just giving the tax breaks to big businesses for opening their business just to help them out, it’s that they’re offering them the tax breaks so that they open their business in their area. When you have no ties to any area, you’re going to open your business in whatever area gives you the best

Possibly, that’s how they afford the supercars? How much would a company pay to have their name on your super car? You said it yourself that every one is gawking at them, so in that gawking, they’ll see the name of (pun intended) and then they’ll go home and type it in to their browser, and then bam!

It’s almost like they had every member of the team design just one small piece of the car, and the took all those parts and threw it together.

One thing that my dad taught me that I see almost no one do, is to clear out your driveway, and some of the street in front of it and out in the street to the sides. You can throw all this snow onto the snow that’s already in the street because a plow is not going to notice the difference. The benefit to this is when

The state troopers really don’t give a shit. I was out with some friends being stupid so of course we were street racing in Pontiac. When one of the people with us goes and without checking for cops just does a run to about 100 (in a 25) right by a cop, and then instead of pulling over into a random area, pulls over

I don’t know about where you all live, but here in NYC, those Chinese dudes on their mopeds can ride through 10 inches of snow better than most people I see driving on normal dry pavement.

At least with Petr in net, they stand a chance. Howard has absolutely no idea how to stop a break away.

Holy crap!!! I did the same exact thing except I went a little bit further to NYC! That was a loooooooonnngggg day. Especially since I drove to the winter classic, drove home and dropped the people off that I was with, which took 3 hours... to go from AA to just outside of Detroit. Then add on the prospect of a likely

“The DDA supports private investments and business growth within Detroit’s central business district with loans, sponsorships and grants, capital improvements to public infrastructure and other programs that increase economic activity. These programs are described in the Business Services and Projects sections of this

I have no idea about the prison, but the money that “Detroit” is spending on the arena, couldn’t be used on anything else, other than a new development such as a new arena.

I’d ride anything of any power limits, but it’s the size of the bike that really gets me. I’m 140 and 6'1", so bikes like my dad’s dressed Goldwing are a bit much for me to push around.

So -3.646 and 1.646?

I wonder how many parking tickets he’ll get by spring time.

If they raised their speed limits to 80, especially on the turnpike, for one, I’m excited for my next trip through Ohio because it will be shorter, and two it will likely lower their speeding ticket revenue. There was a study done not that long ago that found that ~80% of people won’t go over 90 no matter what the

I don’t know if it makes that much of a difference in your calculations, but we generally stop once for gas and bathroom, so 20 minutes, and the trip is only 630 miles instead of 700. So now I just need to average a little over 70 miles an hour.