
I don’t think there was a time where I saw 6 cops in the whole stretch! I drive mainly at night/early morning so that could also be the reasoning, because it’s pretty much just me and a whole bunch of truckers out on the road.

I’ve always heard that, and been told many horror stories of getting pulled over in Ohio, but every time I go through there, in the whole state at most in each trip I’ve seen two cops. Do they just not patrol the turnpike or something? That’s all I’m really on.

Me too. That’s with doing 5-10 over the whole way, so it’s not pulloverable to 98% of cops, and if you do, it’s a fine, no points. 700 miles is taking the extremely long way, it’s just a tad over 600 miles to go from NYC to Detroit.

If I didn’t have my wife and two dogs in the car, and the car wasn’t usually something like a minivan, I would definitely have the time down more! haha

2 days?! I have to do that drive all the time, and I make it in 9 hours, and I’m the only driver and do it after a full day of work!

You’re going to be contradicting yourself if you do end up doing another what car should I buy with the left over budget, because then you’ll be having to drive that car when you could be driving the Aston Martin.

I am OUTRAGED!!!!!

Moving back to Michigan where I can get a garage, buy an frs/brz, and start a LeMons team! 2016 is going to be awesome!

How about the cars that are going to be available for import in 2016 to the US?!

Mr. Fantastic. He could reach every hard to reach bolt that requires your arm to bend in 7 different spots. Also, no need to keep rolling out from underneath the car to grab the next tool/part, just reach your insanely long appendages out and grab it.

I’ve done 110 on a snowmobile and it was pretty intense. Never know when a deer is going to jump out or if those smooth trails are going to turn un smooth.

One of my bucket list items is to go 200MPH in a vehicle under my control other than an airplane. (I don’t think I’ll be flying an airplane, but 200MPH in an airplane just doesn't sound as crazy as a car or motorcycle.

An actual drive that I would love to do is, when I get enough money to buy an Ariel Atom, fly out to Virginia. Go to VIR and pick up the car from TMI, then do a track session in it to break it in. Then drive the car back to wherever I am living at, taking the long way home for most of it to hopefully get some twisties

I would love to drive to Michigan next week to spend Christmas with my family.

Where does my situation fall in? I was a poor college student and my low beam bulb burnt out, and then when I went to go replace it, I would have had to replace the assembly as it was only being held on by rust, as the brackets that were actually meant to hold the assembly to the car were broken. I just drove with my

Like someone said, you have too many projects. So you need to apply the same method to your projects like someone would with credit card debt and snowball your efforts. Focus your attention on one car, get it all done. Focus on the next car, get it all done... etc. You’ll free up more and more time because you won’t

Yup. This is car where you can buy one, register it, drive it for a little while, and then sell it for more than you bought it for so the new owner doesn’t have to go through the process.

Ariel Atom all day every day!

Wait... So you’re telling me, that in order to win Michigan votes, you’re supposed to go in there and tell them that you were opposed to the bailout which saved the auto industry in America from crumbling like the Packard plant, and in doing so, all of the jobs that people in Michigan hold because just about everybody

Yet, all the cars winning had huge ass aero bits on them. (or at least at the time I was on the team)