
I bet every driver directly behind this car is going to love having Doge staring back at him.

look at the time stamp. the whole flip is less than one second. Car was likely traveling at 90 mph.. crashed, then slowed to something like 60 mph after impact

Best part about Crazy Cart videos? There aren't tire marks all over the ground showing how many attempts it took you to get the video right!!

I think your second paragraph you accidentally called racing not a sport!

She's kind of in a sucky situation. She's doing what she can about this but there is so much that she is just finding out about for the first time as well. If she was the CEO for years while this was going on, or in a position of "in the know" that could help her out.

"you need to be very careful when pulling out" This needs to be told to this driver so he doesn't have any offspring that will ruin more cars like this!

Subaru Outback. It'll baby, I'm sure some could make it drift. It can carry a Christmas tree, your aunt, a baby, and a dog all at the same time while going off road and not getting stuck and having your aunt complaining.

I'm not saying it isn't. Driving a formula sae car for a little bit is a workout too. I was just being sarcastic that there wasn't a jump over the bridge ala wario stadium.

I'm very disappointed in the lack of a jump over the section where you go under the bridge. If this were real "Karting" there would be more jumps! (and bananas and such)

Is what that door said!

A conversion van. If you can't fit in there, you have other things to worry about.

I'll have to find the video, but when I saw the video on here about how NYC fixes their pot holes, I was amazed!! they took time, they stamped out the asphalt, everything.

except your way of doing things is a bit too complicated for Michigan. From what I've seen to fill pot holes it goes something like this.

You guys have never been to Michigan then. Lake Superior used to be a pot hole....

It seems like it would probably be quite a bit easier with a helicopter than disassembling it and putting it back together.

Get out and record everything going on! DUHHHHH!!!!

My friend just got rid of his MX-3. After about 5 years of giving it complete and total shit, it was still running. It needed a whole ton of work, but what else would you expect out of never putting any mmaintenance into it other than oil changes?

You could order a Ford Model-T in any color you wanted!!!

BMW's come with turn signals... stock.

I don't get it... he has an erection but is unable to engage in sexual activity? I think that's what he needs to do in order to get it to go away.