So is winning this competition a good or a bad thing? haha
So is winning this competition a good or a bad thing? haha
you're^ says they're removing a fence from the tracks.. I think there might be slightly more than a fence.
If that was my Viper, after finally being able to take it home from the impound lot I would drive it home in that condition, but throw in a seat.
I guess my first post didn't work? But any sport bike is pretty much an awesome thing to pick up chicks with if you're a bachelor. And especially if you live in a no helmet law state as you can be chivalrous by giving the girl your helmet to wear for the ride instead of carrying around a second helmet like you're…
This is what I was hoping to see here. It really is fitting with all of the views that you can see in northern michigan.
As someone who just watched beetlejuice last night, they drive through a bridge that is pretty much a very simple barn with a road going through it above a river.
My fiance was flipping out the whole time we were on that outer lane. I loved it!
what was wrong with the pictures? i watched it on my phone and couldn't tell. unless it was the pictures that blocked her boobs in the mirror, because that's the only thing I could think of.
I still hate the Porsche Panamera...
This is what I came here to say. If you are a president that has a focus on better emissions standards in cars what better way to show the world that you actually believe in that initiative than by driving an electric car.
that's terribly unlucky. How do they do it on the autobahn? Do they just not have wild animals over in Europe or something?
I think what they should do is have the rollers like they have in the automated car washes where you get your tire on it and it locks you and just takes you to the end of the stretch. Then for 25 minutes you can take a nap or something.
Not trying to sound rude, but how did you not see it coming?
Especially in places like the Sceney (Sp?) stretch in the upper peninsula of Michigan. It is 25 miles of perfectly flat and straight highway with no exits, nothing but farm to the right, nothing but farm to the left. Why I have to go 55 on that makes me mad.
Driverless cars so I can do other stuff than the monotonous thing that is highway driving.
Especially when the only time that I drive is from NYC to Detroit when I visit home. (I'd fly but it's an extra 500 dollars round trip because I have two dogs)