Who else was tired and read the headline as “Thirtiest” blogger and was very confused
Who else was tired and read the headline as “Thirtiest” blogger and was very confused
The human brain also ossifies with age. Even Einstein thought quantum was bullshit until his death. Imagine the kind of society we’d live in if death had been conquered in the 1400s. You want your great^8 grandkids to grow up with the kind of people we have running things today still running the show?
Didn’t MAKE THE CUT? I assumed you published the lot. How many more were there?
Prison, where people go to get their lives on track. I’m sure his substance abuse problems have absolutely no factor in the wondrous parenting job his extremely intelligent dad clearly did.
You truly are a repugnant human being.
Don’t encourage people to play Genji, what is wrong with you.
You can have your autocracy in 50 years when the spy state is so large, powerful and unchecked after years of neoliberals betraying all their supposed principles to avoid looking weak, or you can have it in four when a madman and an idiot manages to take over the government by shouting at people too timid to reply.
Maybe instead of breathlessly gasping at the fact that the internet contains trolls and those trolls act pretty much the same in real life, you could be asking serious questions about the US deep spy state and where all this surveillance is going to lead in 20 years.
Is there literally no bottom to what “journalists” will go to to white knight for Hillary? It would be understandable if she was preaching a gospel anyone believed in, or taking bribes to get rich.
If I recognize every song he’s doing does that make me a dad? I think I’m a dad.
Because we all understand that the running, jumping, cycling, etc sports are essentially doping-without-getting-caught-right-away contests.
Kids and coaches can both act like idiots on twitter and I dont give a fuck, because who does. What I want to know is why a guy has a job reporting on high school sports. That’s not a job, that’s something for a high school journalism club to practice on doing.
How is baseball’s playoff flukey? Assuming you slide in as a wildcard you have an incredibly uphill battle of long series against the best teams ahead of you. The sport itself is probably what lends it more to odd outcomes - your pitchers all happening to have good command on the days your hitters just aren’t getting…
Oh, I’d actually been kind of interested in Wasteland 2. Guess I won’t be purchasing a copy!
This is the sad truth of many a right wing radio personality. Being a complete shithead is lucrative. If you can stomach looking yourself in the mirror while spouting a bunch of bigoted nonsense, and keep a rant going to avoid dead air, you probably have a decent career aheadd of you in right-wing broadcast…
Anyone who is able to muster the ability to overrid the singular compulsion to live is a thousand times more valuable in my eyes than a little pissant bitch like yourself.
The consequence, all trolling aside, is that other people look upon you with revulsion and refuse to associate with you.
Asssuming you’re actually good at what you do. Michael Jackson, probable pedophile, still has many more fans today than a pretty alright pitcher who lucked into winning some iconic games before he went full hog into the realm of scamming taxpayers and being super racist. Maybe if he had sung “Billie Jean” he would…
If I were a wizard I would turn you into a frog and send you back to 1886 when people frowned on that sort of thing, compadre
That’s incredibly shallow, and I’m dissapointed in you. anti-PC crusaders also want to say: Spic, Wetback, Hadji, Jigaboo, Kike, Frog, Wog, Wop, Gook, Chink, and Slant. Please educate yourself on the wonderful world of anti-PC literature before you consolidate them to one, singular position, when there are so many…