10 MakeScaryMonsterGoAway
10 MakeScaryMonsterGoAway
“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” and “Black-ish.”
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend should be on the list too.
Long answer: yes.
This week on Pre-Modern Family: Cam contracts the Sweating Sickness and dies. Mitchell contracts the Sweating Sickness and dies. Lily contracts the Sweating Sickness and dies. Claire contracts the Sweating Sickness and dies. The rest of the cast gathers at the Dunphy home as a delirious Phil ominously takes to his bed…
I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.
Katie, if someone had written this about the Obama daughter’s teenage years, what would you have thought?
Slightly different interpretation: a 63 year old multimillionaire found that one of his jokes failed to land in a room full of 20 somethings - this is not a sign of the times.
That’s not what a pederast is.
Yes, how dare an audience at a comedy show expect something actually funny. The joke doesn’t work, Jerry. Fix it. Change the wording. That’s how your job works, and it’s incredibly easy. You know that, Jerry. Yeesh.
...yes they are: his joke is how people go overboard with their phones, and he talks about their over the top hand movements are like a ‘gay french king.’
Nice try. Know the law. 16 in my state.
You kind of did though? I mean I’m not sure how you can say “society has gone too deep” or whatever when these disgusting men who prey on women are still getting work at the highest levels of their industry.
If only all those gay people had better senses of humor about being used as a punchline.
I would recommend watching Grey’s. These three episodes have been fantastic. Like old grey’s. They have a perfect balance of humour, drama and sexiness. Also the characters are way more mature and get straight to the point. No one’s even that annoying anymore. Seriously, they’re really really good, especially…
I guess part of me is happy that we’re moving away from “sassy” as code for an effeminate gay man, but speaking as an effeminate gay man this dude is NOT sassy.
Not to mention, there are numerous studies showing that knowing spoilers makes things MORE enjoyable. I plan to rewatch all of S1 of TGP because I know the ending and it will be much more fun to watch for hints. This article saved the OP a TON of time. He should be thanking us, imo.
... there’s a disclaimer at the top of the article.