
I think part of the distinction that I’m seeing left out of this conversation is how you can “love the art” without supporting the artist. Like whether or not you can continue to think Cosby’s past material is funny or not is one thing, but if you continue to do things like watch his shows, or stream his albums you’re

I didn’t know what “pederast” was, but I looked it up and it’s for “a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy” so doesn’t apply here

lol I like the idea, but some of those celebrities don’t look awkward at all (blinking doesn’t count as an awkward stage @Mulaney and Kroll looks adorable even if his outfit ridiculous)

Thanks for looking it up! When I was watching someone had commented on an earlier discussion like “what if they’re really siblings...” (which obviously ended up happening) but I dismissed it like “nah, I’ve seen a lot of Law and Order SVU so I know they can tell if DNA is a parental match or a sibling match”

IMO it’s not that they carry “as much weight” as any other media, it’s that they carry way way more. Particularly where I grew up, a lot of people would drop casual racist/homophobic slurs, make nazi jokes, etc etc all the time.