
How do you get any actual evidence if you don’t examine the results?

Gawker is no more because it was the target of a lengthy, secretive, vengeful campaign by a billionaire who is a luminary in silicon valley and is also now a member of Trump’s transition team. I fail to see how politics is irrelevant to tech.

The harshest DUI possible? You are right. That’s totally the worst thing that could have happened to you, or anyone else, as a result of you driving drunk. LULZ BRO

I got a 4 but I agree with you that the test is VERY restrictive, it forces the person into either one of two tunnels.

I gotta spend money to make money.

On my 5 and 6 I used to have issues with Touch ID working properly. I would regurlarly delete and repeat the process. Then I heard about this great idea: do each finger twice (I only use my thumbs). So Finger 1 and Finger 2 were both my left thumb, and Finger 3 and Finger 4 were both my right thumb. For the rest of my

I know you’ve corrected yourself already, but on this topic... I can’t figure out why it would be easier to 3D touch the Settings app icon to toggle WiFi/Bluetooth on and off than to swipe up on the home screen. It’s the exact same number of button presses, and personally, I’m more likely to mess up the 3D touch

This is just the worst opinion

If that one thing is shootingdribblingpassingstealing you might be right.

This seriously may be the most over-edited video I’ve ever seen. It’s like a non-ironic version of that kid flipping the water bottle.

I’m not sure successfully wedging yourself into a book between some dude with crazy-long fingernails and a lady who was able to cram more hard boiled eggs into her mouth at the same time than anyone else is nearly as prestigious an achievement as you imagine it to be.

Page 353 in the current hard cover edition if you’re actually curious. Look under “most sarcastic reply to internet commenters” for my work in a Reddit thread in 2014.

Calm down is right. These guys are acting like they just found the cure to some deadly desease. Honestly, pretty footage and a cool shot, but that didn’t need to be over 4 minutes and it certainly didn’t need to have them narrating how the world will never be the same.

Yeah, I don’t understand how “Chuckin’” evolved into “Chunkin”. Yes, it rhymes better, but it no longer describes what you’re watching.

As any pilot will tell you.

A sad loss. Pilots are a special breed.

I got a 5, which I think means I barely exist. I’m comfortable with that.

It's so transparent. I tried to be as honest as possible (and got, I guess, a four? I can't tell if that makes me a narcissist or not) but it was so obvious which answer was "correct" that it was hard to believe I was being fully objective.

Narcissism wouldn't be misunderstood if everyone would shut up and listen to me describe it.