This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.
Last night, the hidden factions of white supremacy fully emerged, though we know they were never really hidden. You…
Mazel tov cocktail? Bone apple tea!
+1 should’ve stopped at “Chanukah Lewinsky”, you greedy half-brilliant bastard.
That’s fucking hilarious. That’s a 12 year old level mistake. A 12 year old that has never seen those words in print.
She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.
I’m choosing to believe my days blogging about Trump are numbered (I need to for my sanity), so I’m going for broke.
You’re saying the sushi I was about to order from Craiglist might not be healthy?
As he glowered at the larger plane
i read the comment without registering your username and got *real* excited about “proper Gumbo” being a new combination of high Victorian English & Creole.
This is such an excellent point! I gotta go make lunch, but it really bears repeating: the work load this man carries is astonishing, and it’s personal, political, spiritual, and identity-based. His grace with this kind of stuff should become legendary.
Apt username.
It’s called code switching. It’s something many of us become quite familiar with over the years. It becomes second nature to speak for our audience. I’m not going to get into my thoughts on it too much. It’s just a thing we’ve sort of come to accept to fit into a professional world where our particular brand of accent…
“Respect your elders” is a huge sentiment in every community. Not sure it’s the outlier you think it is
It’s genuinely becoming Orwelian. Maybe come January I can get a sweet government job with the Thought Police.
Uh... I grew up in New York, and I’m pretty much whitey mc white, but he ain’t doing nothin is a fairly common phrase, not relegated solely to the use of the pigmently endowed.
“Obama’s speech choices are getting more Malcolm X than MLK... or maybe they always have been on the sly, and I didn’t notice?”
With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.