All my favorite stories end with “I’m surprised we didn’t get beaten up or shot.”
All my favorite stories end with “I’m surprised we didn’t get beaten up or shot.”
I think I told you I’d be your friend before. Maybe you don’t like me. Hmmph.
Hey that hurts
I could only get through about three hours of that.
He probably would have looked like Michael Dukkakis
That was stupid and that hat makes you look like a tool.
I’m trying to figure out who is dressed worse.
I’m surprised he didn’t hit such a punchable face.
Weed is the opposite of sports!
And you’re going to JAIL
I like when they do the fake tire screeching on dirt.
That's fucking disgusting.
They were on I-70, west of Denver. There’s a large mountain range separating the two places.
Shoulda went for the meat pies.
Fuck your global warming!
These are terrible choices, is this a joke?
San Diego is nowhere near San Mateo.