Yeah, I know, right? I can't stand black music either... Wait a minute...
Yeah, I know, right? I can't stand black music either... Wait a minute...
I have to disagree, skiing was considered an unintended benefit of the modified quake engine that went into starsiege tribes during beta, and became a hallmark feature.
@sassafras: I would promote this if I could.
@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Smart phones maybe, but I know a lot of people who love their Nokia phones. I had no problem with the one I used in Tanzania.
@ddhboy: I thought that was odd as well, I've had no problem opening links for apps on my phone and being dropped at the android market page.
@chaos215bar2: Generally speaking, running the latest version of android is a marketing talking-point... Though 2.3 and 3.0 are changing this in important ways...
@chaos215bar2: I would say that if you own an android device you need to root it, potentially voiding the warranty, and install a third party version of the operating system just to ensure you have up to date software.
@Seventhexile Speaks: How is that responsive?
@Maave: I was under the impression that depending on how GB utilizes the new graphics hardware shipping in current devices, the g1 may not even be able to play ball. As of 2.2 Android doesnt use hardware acceleration for most of the ui elements. But with higher resolutions on tablets I expect that to change soon.
@vinod1978: It's funny because @bflanagh is describing exactly why this behavior everyone considers childish and irresponsible continues...
@Sina? No, Jakooboo.: Really you only needed to point out that since this is Chrome OS, it surely has or will very soon have access to cloud print... []
@KillerBee: That was my thought too, looking at the new launcher I can't see it having more features than launcher pro, however I should say as far as I can tell the only real advantage to launcher pro paid is that you can resize widgets.
@wrenchmonkey: I'll grant that it wasn't perfect RAS. I however am not so sure 'self contained underwater breathing apparatus gear' is any less redundant.
@thePrototype: I guess you guys would say, "I'm putting on my scuba," as well?
@comrade_leviathan: So you hope after law enforcement determines that someone threatening violence isn't actually a credible threat they still press charges and attempt a public lynching?
@Ian Logsdon: You mean thousands...
@blowjustinup: I guess that depends on how you define broke, having 2 billion in cash, isn't my idea of being broke, but not turning a profit since 2007, 2010 data not withstanding... I'd say they are going broke, but that changes very little...
@gemcosta: When was the last time you heard about a new Kodak phone?
@QLAB: Is that like "Hello world" for the internet?
@zildjiabass150: I never quite thought stars indicated sensitivity, rather I thought of them as proof that commenters thus far displayed effective or accepted insensitivity.