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He’s so GOP, he’d rather make 4 rights rather than 1 left.

Couple things:

He really is fearless and he viciously lampoons people who have no sense of humor.


Sacha has been kind of hit or miss but he always swings for the fences and when he hits, the payoff is worth it. I will be watching.

I didn’t know Sasha could play a convincing teen girl.  Damn he’s good.

Good ol Rule of Law never failed us. No one has ever gotten away with colluding with a foreign country to sway an election, laundering money for Russian oligarchs, running a pyramid scheme, or profiting from the office of president. Nope, not once. Cause good ol Rule of Law.

People in Alabama were perfectly willing to vote for a pedophile instead of a democrat. The Virginia GOP wouldn’t tell a person to vote dem instead of voting for an avowed white supremacist. Colluding with Russia will mean nothing to these people. The GOP is their brand -like Croakies, Chevy Tahoes and YETI coolers.

116 days and 22 hours.

You’re just the kind of asshole that would say “ooh- three people disagreed with me - better change my opinion, stat!”

And just like those scandals you’ll get one fancy boy fall guy and thats it. Clinton got off, Reagan got off, and Espy was acquitted.

and this will be just as productive

If they wait until its over it doesn’t matter what they find

904 is roughly one presidency. Meanwhile, the SC is fucked, we’ve teamed up with NK and Russia and told Germany and Canada to get fucked, allowed drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, on and fucking on.

That's because you hit everyone right in the feels, and they just want the party to keep going.

This is grossly misleading. Of the 20 people indicted, 13 are Russians who will never face trial since Mueller cannot get jurisdiction over them. And, in his indictment of those 13, it was explicitly stated that no Americans knowingly worked with the Russians to undermine the election. Of the people indicted, 3 were

Yup. Total fatigue.

You didn’t read my second paragraph there, Slugger.

How naive you are!

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.