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NOBODY cared when Condi and Colin used personal email servers.

I’m genuinely trying to remember if “What about when Bush did it” was used as a defense for Bush-era things Obama still did. I guess there wasn’t a whole lot of right wing criticism of the drone program or military spending to argue with, but this seems to be a thing that only happens on the right.

You have centrist, Hillary, white, Republican and wealthy.

“Yes, it was bad under Obama, it’s worse under Trump” seems to be something they’ve genuinely never considered. Was literally the only thing he could say, even after “I’m a communist, idiot.

Given the number of descendants of Confederate veterans who talk loudly and often about “heritage”, and offer up any excuse for the Civil War aside from “slavery”, but get incredibly uncomfortable if you ask them how it could be called the War of Northern Agression if it was the South that opened fire on Fort Sumter?


You can tell she’s a Communist because she publicly owned that show.

Oh my god, I try not to advocate for violence, lord how I try. But if someone Richard-Spencer-ed Piers Morgan every day of the remainder of his miserable life... I’d die happy. 

“Where were the protests??”

Wow that touched a nerve. Lets take it one by one:

Five global firms “operating with many of the characteristics of a cartel” own most book publishers, newspapers, magazines, movie studios, radio stations and TV stations in the United States.

Probably already been said but, “who fucking cares”?

It truly boggles the mind..

So rich centrist who’ll be fine no matter who wins the elections can be happily married to an establishment conservative.  That’s not news.

I wonder if working class people really have more empathy than the “elites.”

So I see quite a bit of snark from commenters about centrism, Hillary, etc. Why do you guys come here for news and commentary? This is and always has been a very left leaning site. If you despise ‘Bernie Bros’ and just want to one day own a few Subway franchises and have your own McMansion, there must be many better

It’s ironic that you should write that. Snapplepus is a troll, and I’m pretty sure these are all recent burner accounts of his:

Can you imagine being related to Herbert Hoover and then basing your career around “HERBERT HOOVER DID NOTHING WRONG.” Your direct ancestor is THE historical example of all your policy preferences failing spectacularly!

Any book title with a colon immediately raises my suspicions. Independent Nation: How Centrists Can Change American Politics,  should be “Shut UP, I’m Right!”