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I knew you’d say this. I fucking knew it.  Just another dodge. Another evasion to prop up two of the worst fucking people alive. Christ. Your unhinged reactions to my relatively gentle questioning has me seriously concerned for anyone you actually interact with. I hope you don’t have children if you actually act

From Time:


Me too.  And I’ve seen double posts and something changed from “recommending” a comment to “saving” one and now back.  But, let’s go full on conspiracy theorist about how my meaningless comments get recorded on Kinja because I’m a very important person.


Why are you rushing to defend these two?  Why?

It must say somewhere in Chait’s contract that he’s required to get owned on twitter at least twice per day.

Say my name, friend.

Come on. That’s not what I’m saying, that’s the example you gave so I used it. Running against the party leaders is not good politics. Murkowski didn’t say “Fuck McConnell, I’ll do what I want.” She said that she would be thoughtful and give due consideration and blah blah blah. That’s the way you preserve the

Richard, there are democrats in southern california campaigning on unseating Pelosi. There was an article on this very site that quoted another senator saying Schumer is completely ineffective as leader and has terrible political instincts. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would come to the defense of the party

Yes, of course.  That’s what I’m saying:  I want senators voting with the GOP 100% of the time.  Criticism of the democrats is not the same as endorsing the GOP. 

Then that leadership needs to go. If the party leadership can’t get the caucus to simply vote along partisan lines, then they need to go. When candidates from your home state are running on a platform that includes unseating you from your leadership position (Nancy Pelosi), then you need to go.

Whatever, Richard.

adding assclown to the list.

Well, my position is that those senators should be primaried and lose access to party resources.  Less carrot, more stick.  If you’re voting against the party such that I can’t see a difference between you and say, Dean Heller, then why should the party support you?

But if those senators are voting with the republican agenda 75% of the time, what is really being lost?

Ohhh, I’ll add that to being a russian, or a bot, or a stan, or an idiot, or a moron, or a brat, or a cunt. I’ll be all of those things. But you, well, you’re just not worth the effort.

I hate to make this argument, but I will because it’s germane. Obama was also “soft” when it came to russia. When romeny tried to attack him for it, he said “the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back.” Look, trump is a fucking idiot and a venal shithead.  I hope that this investigation turns up