
For one, you're ignoring life cycle energy costs

I don't think viable means what you think it does. You get in a cool tech car that you overnight cheaply and better-overall-for-the-environment "refueled" at home, you have a blast driving your regular commute, you return home. Sounds good, especially if you're one of the majority of Americans in a multi-car family

Sure, but on that score the Volt is working well as a halo car: "Of the initial batch of Volt owners, about half hadn't stepped into a Chevy dealership in eight years," [GM spokesman Rob Peterson] said. "A third never had."

I'd say producing and selling 1,900 Roadsters, and selling your battery and motor technology to other companies is delivering a lot more than Vector Motors. Tesla has already made more beta Model S than all the prototypes and show cars Vector made in its first 22 (!) years.

You are. Ray Wert hates Musk! Doesn't matter that Musk restarted the EV market by founding a company that's produced and sold 1,900 decent sports cars, developed and sold battery and motor tech to other companies, or that the gorgeous and innovative Model S seems to be making good progress toward production. (See

Through TARP, the federal government mandated that GM build extended range or full electric vehicles

"The Prius is overrated because it's a POS" is a great example of begging the question (not "raising the question", thanks for providing an example of the correct form). I supplied supporting facts and Jalopnik's own review, all you do is restate religious dogma.

I think Musk is talking about the upcoming revision to SAE J1772 to support a "combo coupler" that adds two chunky pins below the standard AC connector for fast DC charging. They supply 200–450 V DC and up to 200 A (90 kW); the receptacle is compatible with all the AC public charging stations out there.

The Continental GT is a two-door twin-turbocharged W12 coupe for $190,000, the Phantom is a monstrous sedan for twice the price at $380,000. They don't seem remotely comparable. And the DBS is $275,000 for similar hp and only 0.1s faster 0-60. Click around car sites for a while and the Bentley almost looks sensible.


Along with every Republican president in the last 40 years I think reducing America's addiction to oil is worthwhile. Anyone who claims there's "no real merit" to that is ignorant or must be getting awesome blowjobs from Hugo Chavez. So I love EVs but current models don't work for me and I continue to drive my gasser

I'm not aware of any federal mandate for the design and manufacture of electric vehicles. There's a tax credit of up to $7500 for buyers and the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program; if you don't think reducing American's disastrous addiction to foreign oil is worthwhile, vote for politicians who'll

Lithium isn't toxic. All the alleged pollution from making a few hundred pounds of recyclable batteries is dwarfed by the pollution from making and then burning the 10 TONS of gasoline that a 35 mpg car will burn over 120,000 miles. Horses wouldn't be that green, they belch CO2 and methane and making then transporting

Nissan's plan to make 100,000s of Leafs annually on three continents disprove your thesis about mass-produced. As for "large part of the car market", we'll just have to see how many drivers are willing to endure the limited range; early adopters LOVE getting in a car that you overnight cheaply and

As opposed to Ford and Nissan? The loan commitments include a $5.9 billion loan to Ford for upgrading factories in five states to produce 13 more fuel-efficient models, a $1.6 billion loan to Nissan to build advanced electric vehicles and advanced batteries, and a $465 million loan to Tesla Motors to manufacture its

Nowadays for special characters I just enter "wikipedia smiley face", "wikipedia em dash", "wikipedia double prime symbol", etc. in the browser location bar. Usually the summary in Google search results has the Unicode glyph and I copy and paste that. In this case, "wikipedia e diaresis".

Silly indeed.

Real men hold the door ajar and drive the car at exactly the right high speed for the Venturi effect to suck the fluid clean out of the car. (As written up in some car magazine a long time ago.)

Electric car. One moving part, no spark plugs, starter motor, fuel injectors, oil filter, catalytic converter, muffler... It'll probably never be lighter (unless you get a tiny battery pack for a short commute), but it's already cheaper to run and batteries will steadily get cheaper.