
@Alex Fouss: and at only 30% effective electric utility power lines

@imconfus: You do realize you are completely and utterly mistaken?

@BaconSandwich is tasty.: Fine, but then you had better not EVER root for Hennessy (Venom GT for $600,000), SSC (Aero for $654400) or every other American car company whose products and dreams are far more expensive, less ambitious, and less real than Tesla Motors.

@Kojima Yoshiyuki: Maggie == Magnepan "magneplanar" speakers. Not electrostatic, but also flat panel, with no woofer.

They seem serious about audio, unlike some of the "bizarre materials, exotic finish, and tell your slack-jawed friends it cost 1/4 million" speaker makers.

@spuy767: I agree. The BMW Vision concept above has a three-cylinder turbodiesel, BMW says they'll bring elements of it to production.

@spuy767: Why would anyone buy a Civic over a Prius when it only gets 42 mpg?

@AustinMiniMan: Li-Ion batteries are horrific from a manufacturing standpoint.

@spuy767: Your hyperbole is showing.

@JRC-Whacking!: It's hard to understand you, but moving a car full of people takes several orders of magnitude more power than running electronics and screens. The battery is 26 kW·h. If the screens consume 100W (highly unlikely, that's 4x a laptop), then it'll take ten days of non-stop nerding to drain the battery.

@Rafael Garavello Soares: 8 hours from the home charging station, and 30 minutes from a $19,000 DC fast public charger. That's still slower than an H2 refuel.

@Tristan Hipps: I think you're confused. Climategate was about IPCC, not IUCN (and three reviews found essentially no evidence of scientific malpractice). If you want to think a separate scientific group that tracks species status, is involved in "gate" conspiracies simply because it finds species threatened by

@Psiu! Puxa!: Your 244 is the coolest!: I'll think about it that way if you'll pay attention to what I wrote and think about the undeniable fact of TEN BLOODY TONS of gasoline over 120,000 miles from a 35mpg car. That's the ten-ton gorilla in the room if you want to talk about "complicated and power-hungry

Better than the alternative.

@capgaravello: Ahh, the Clarity. Despite James May's brain-dead comments, it's an electric car the same way the Volt is. Except its battery is recharged by an expensive on-board fuel cell whose refueling requires a non-existent infrastructure.