
@dfx: How is the massive no-brainer engineering advance of a car that shuts off when it's not moving "gaming the system"?

Wes, you sound insecure and whiney. Nice garage, nice car, where's the harm? This is as cool as Cameron's dad's garage in Ferris Bueller. Is it that Mr. Schubert doesn't service his car, like 90% of all drivers?

Change the grille and it's the handsomest big sports sedan. Nicer than the Panamerica or Rapide, cheaper, and more technologically interesting.

Vladimir de Silva has a huge chip on his shoulder, ever since his half-brother Walter de'Silva got the top design job at Audi and came up with the horse-collar grille. Sibling rivalry strikes again.

@layabout returns: "I believe that Toyota did an amazing job with the Prius" Care to elaborate on that?

@brickyard: In a weird way this hybrid phase reminds me of when automakers first started putting computer controlled carburetors on cars. It was a bastardized over complicated mess that never worked right.

The HS250h just puts the Camry Hybrid drive train in the Avensis platform (slightly smaller than a Camry), so "World's First Hybrid-Only Luxury Vehicle" isn't that impressive.

@GV_Goat: A hydrogen fuel cell car is a battery electric vehicle topped up by a fuel cell. It'll be cheaper, more efficient, and less polluting overall to increase the battery size, recharge it from the wall when possible, and recharge it with an ICE generator when you're on a long trip. So most people outside the oil

It's going to be hard to beat the ICE as a range extender for your battery electric vehicle, so it'll be in wide use for at least a few decades. Some few Willie Nelson types will run those ICE rechargers on restaurant grease, most of us will run on ethanol from algae (like Dow and Algenol Biofuels' intriguing test).

Four electric motors but "One transmission per axle transmits the power"? I'm perplexed.

Wired mag 8.10 had a great article on the BRRROONNNK culture, including their cherished belief that deep bass done right gives women orgasms. The writer rode with DJ Billy E., who honestly believes he's providing a service to nearby women drivers when he punches his red "burp" button.

Max is a hero, dedicated to life, liberty and (especially!) the pursuit of happiness.