I guess we can’t have nice things..... :-(
I guess we can’t have nice things..... :-(
11 foot 8 bridge!!!! that would be EPIC!!!!!
based on the recent record......5 door hatchback hybrid
I voted CP but I’d offer him $2500 bucks for the truck and 20 cans of black spraypaint.
I read a lot of Scifi and I was struck by a concept CJ Cherryh used in a book.. Spaceships are huge and powerful and have to last hundreds of years, and parts need to be interchangable/replace able/ repairable because you never know where you will be and you don’t want to end up Like Quigon in episode 1!
this cayanne Turbo begs to diff
IF you could afford all that you would probably be shopping new.
If you pay 37 it’s because You really can’t afford a Porsche but want the cachet of owning one ...so buy the Boxster S and have a “real Porsche” and let someone else but the rebranded Audi grocery wagon. then get yourself a nice Toyota or Hyundai or…
If you can afford to dump that much plus maintenance, upkeep, and high insurance premiums on a Porsche...., you’re probably buying or leasing a new Porsche.
except for all the repairs/maintenance
How turn your 37,000 into 15,000 in two years....what a great idea!!!!!
So buy the Boxter which is a “real Porsche” and go get a nice Kia or a Honda CRV or something for hauling groceries.
OK Boomer
why is the BS tweet from TeeKey_EV i9ncluded in the post. it’sd clearly some unfounded twitter hotttake with no basis in reality.
OMG!!!!! I Mean Really I am SO FUCKING.....nah. I couldn’t even give half a shit about NASCAR when it Was a big deal...the last 20 years...It’s over and done. Buh Bye.
CP all day every day. It’s the problem with the motorcycle market.
Sorry. In my defence, it was a pretty vague post & I couldn’t 100% tell which side of the axe you were grinding.
Oh yeah. I mentioned that in my initial post....but did you notice how everyone ignores the fact that he’s done like 98% of the groundwork for the stuff he hasn’t delivered on and there have been continual constant steps in the direction to achieving those goals
Jalopniks: We want crazy wedge designs like they were making back in the 70's and 80's like the Countachor the Delorean!!!!!!
Show me some facts then, Mr. cold hard facts. Because I don’t actually see you providing anything even close to resembling an argument. just an assertion that there are two kinds of facts. one you define as an opinion. which is, in fact, not a fact. there are only one type of facts...facts.