
Bah! V6'she only engines that sound good are  V8’s..

Which is why that god awful Halo shouldn’t even be a thing.

Idon’t mean to be trite, but Driver safety? In racing?

This is why racing is struggling to gain the youth audience. some guy cocooned in an impenetrable cage with huge safety runoffs and gravel traps in an underpowered car.....
Meanwhile over at RedBull HQ the kids are planning the wing-suit mountain-bike backflip off


Headline should read, driver takes insanely absurdly slow line through hairpin.

wrong it’s a racers name just like Veyron

Oh i’m not poor by any means. I don’t need “excuses”. What I have is empathy compassion and an understanding of how the world works.

Ah yes. The conservative ideal...“Work hard, youll get everything you desire!”

How does this hurt anyone?
Porsche has a whole lineup of 911s. There are what? 22 models!
There’s a ton of 911's too chose from. and Ruff’s and Singers.....etc.
so either you have the cake or not. If you don’t then there’s no way this should bother you because you were never gonna get one anyway.

considering 40 year olds were the first computer generation, who grew up demanding more and more from computers, who designed and built the vast majority of tech out there... I’d say you are the slow one. You can’t tell the difference between 40 and 60.

Sure. So could Barney the talking dinosaur or a potato made from flubber.

Jesus Christ!!!! Can’t you people have one single thought that doesn’t include

“Lets bomb some shit because ’Murica!!!!!!!!YeeeHaaaw”

What are you even talking about? What? the NK Army is going to invade....America?
They can barely feed the army. They can’t even keep the power on in key cities. A reporter friend of mine got to stay in NK a few years ago. He shot a 4 hour time lapse at night. a city of over a million people. not one street light, only

y’know, except for all of the pipes and tunnels under hundreds of other cities the world over like London, New York, Paris,Beijing,Tokyo....


No. We shouldn’t. and i doubt the TT will change because of this.
The TT is the last truly great race on the planet. the last bit of free air, away from the nanny state and safety police, I will never ever dare to go there, but I’m glad it exists. I respect the riders who dare to test themselves.

one word...Mechachrome.

Jacques Villeneuve in 95 came close. Won it in his second year.


They never will. Ever.
in the 70's Canada and the USA were leaders in sustainable energy research. poised to manufacture and sell renewable technologies. then Ray gun and Mulroney were elected and both nations went full steam ahead on oil. Now we buy wind turbines from Germany and Norway.