
Or he wants to ship large amounts of cargo at a low cost to places with minimal/nonexistent airport infrastructure. Which could actually be an excellent business model.

Wow. My story is bullshit, but your story is the gospel truth.
That’s a real conversation. Your obviously very mature and reasonable.

Here’s an anecdote.
Work Car 09 Malibu New of the lot. garbage car crappy cheap plastic interior that most here in my office found ugly and uncomfortable.

It’s funny because you point fondly to probably the worst period Chevy ever had. I drove a bunch of brands of cars in the 80's for work and family and Chevy were GARBAGE. the only reason people bought them was because A) they were “CHEVY” people. B) they couldn’t afford better. C)they didn’t know any better.

No. No I don’t. it’s really only been 5 years. and really if you include the ignition switches it’s been 3 years.....and even then the 2 Chevy’s we have in our carpool at work are still the least comfortable most boring least reliable cars there.

Well.. Chevy hasn’t exactly distinguished themselves in the mind of consumers. After a couple of decades worth of boring ugly unreliable junk, people are obviously a little turned off of Chevy. Myself included. I’ll never buy a domestic brand again and especially not a Chevy.

Ah yes, I notice you couldn’t help but bring race into the discussion and semi veiled threats as well as irresponsible gun use. Thanks for proving my point.


I don’t know. Does Quit mean something else in your country? Can I quit smoking only once? Then what? I can never start and quit again? Is there a quit police? What if i quit smoking again ? Will they find me and force me to smoke because it’s impossible to quit something twice? If my motor quits it will never ever


Good old America cognitive dissonance....

Like you guys do On the Russian craft...

I started out quite liking the USA, prolonged exposure changed my mind.

Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, California, Michigan, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Illinois Tenesee, Kentucky, Washington, Oregon, Arizona.

Check your president’s name and behaviour, and percentage of the popular vote.You have become the laughing stock of the world.

wow some random pictures of a nice spot. that makes up for this

oh I quit visiting your country when Bush got elected. Went back when Obama was president and was disgusted by the amount of racisim and ignorance ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PERSON I SPOKE WITH openly displayed.
I won’t be going across your border for a very long time if I can help it.