
8 years of Birther nonsense, Obama is a Muslim crap, and Republican obstruction in both the house and senate, yet the Left are “crybabies” LOL

you wont be buying one.
you will summon one like a cab.

Truth must hurt.


i just made this exact post 1 second before I read yours!

Thank you!

there is something disturbing in this image. it’s not just sexist, it’s out and out gross.

Driver error. 100 percent.

don’t think of it as a bad thing. think of it as multi-class racing!

Today’s birds have all kinds of electronic aids to help in situations like this, not to take away from the skill and hard work of the pilots... but your dad in the 60's had to do it on guts and skill alone! Much Respect!

How is him spewing ‘Murican-isims at all valuable?
personally I find everything about him annoying and stupid.

Meh. There were a host of better drivers available. Why they chose Skinner I’ll never know. Mediocre would be the term I’d use for him.

it’s like that girl you should never date...Beautiful,sexy but sooo much a hot mess.... id better buy her jewellery

in all seriousness it’s a great resto-mod project.

The point is that there are lots of sustainable ways to generate electricity and if our Governments had been ahead of the curve on this we would have them now. Instead they stuffed oil and coal lobbyist cash in their ears for DECADES and Shouted “NAH NAH NAH CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!!!” like toddlers having a tantrum.

Also, can i get “un-grey-ed”

While I agree this won’t solve the lack of passing in F1, I get tired of the Safety Hawks poo pooing danger.

My Neighbour’s father rolled up in one of these one day when I was in grade 7. T-tops open and AC-DC blaring.
Every kid in the neighbourhood marvelled at the glow of the digital dash and the kind woman telling us about the open doors!

Also can I be un-grayed?

For my two cents.

for the win