Right, but there's at least one person between Mueller and Trump, even if that person can be influenced.
Right, but there's at least one person between Mueller and Trump, even if that person can be influenced.
I don't think he can. If Twitter is correct, only the Deputy Attorney-General can?
I'm heading into exam period, so I'm actively rooting for that to happen because I am so exhausted from keeping up with the news, let alone from getting any sort of productive work done.
I woke up thinking, wow why isn't my Twitter feed going crazy? It is now - Special Counsel!
Normally, I'd be speculating wildly, but I find myself not doing that this time around. I have complete faith in the writers and look forward to seeing what comes next.
I didn't even look up budgets, it just sounded terrible.
So I finished Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season 2 on Thursday but haven't been able to post about it now due to a History essay due today, but holy crap that finale was just absolutely amazing. The reprise! The theme song! Father Brah! I am very excited to see what season 3 looks like.
Congrats Tere!
And that's exactly why I picked it for our Film Draft. Bomb, King Arthur! Bomb!
None of this feels real and at the same time, I don't know what else I should've expected.
Maps of Time takes a different view of what 'recorded; means, but I believe what you've stated is the commonly held opinion, where 'recorded' correlates to some sort of man made/man written artefact/text. [It's been a while since I've read up on this.]
The extent of my inter-disciplinary work will be this essay I am currently writing on Leni Riefenstahl as it's not entirely a history essay, nor film history essay, and even then it's only *just* interdisciplinary, not in the realm of science and history.
I find the whole question of when to start history incredibly interesting. The week we did on Hayden White and the intersection between English and History was fascinating, but I was a bit too intimidated to write anything on it. I'm definitely with you on not agreeing with "because it is there", I'm just not entirely…
I didn't know he wrote another book. I was originally working on a question about whether Big History as a whole could be considered History, so I read Maps of Time and ended up getting so frustrated at the work, I'm pretty sure I yelled at it a few times, that I changed my question to doing a review of Maps. I took…
So in some cool news to distract from the horror that has been today, my residential hall has continued producing its academic journal, which my Citizen Kane article was published in last year. We launched volume 2 last week and I was lucky enough to have a paper published on the book Maps of Time, also known as the…
And Turnbull, the head of a state with a really great medicare system, said that repealing ACA was a good thing! Like, I cannot emphasise how grateful I am for that system which, along with private healthcare, basically allowed me to get through the past eight years. That would *not* have happened in America and it…
Some of the stuff in that bill is just horrifying. I was reading somewhere that it'll allow monetary caps to be placed on health insurance even if you get it from your employer. In combination with the EO passed today, it's almost as if the administration is saying 'we hate women and sick people and many, many others'…
Australian news of the day: Politican laughed so hard at Veep he ended up choking, knocked his head on a cabinet and gave himself a black eye:
I am now even more excited for Master of None Season 2:
Saw this 1300 words into a 2500 word essay and now that's done I can finally say CONGRATULATIONS SG!