Dr Regina Phalange

g’day? what is going on there is so much white.

I know. All credit to many outlets for getting transcripts up so quickly. I do hope many sit down and read them in full because good god, disgraceful is an understatement.

If you're going off the Politico transcript, it's wrong and has been updated to say that he said 'em' not 'us'. [Assuming you're talking about the part where he says 'Okay, what about the alt-left that came charging at' bit.]

I hope yesterday's pre-birthday makes up for today!

Which should I watch first: Speed, The Grand Budapest Hotel or Back to the Future?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONGOES! Hope you've had a fantastic day!

Your avatar was how I figured out it was you.

I know I haven't been around much this year - will be posting something about everything that's happened [nothing bad!] sometime over the next week - and I'm hoping to get back to being around here/our future online homes soon, but if people want to get in contact with me, the easiest way is probably on Twitter

Many parts of it, and the entire prologue, felt like someone reached into my chest, tore out my heart, ripped it to shreds in front of me, sewed it back together and then repeated the process for an hour and a half. I haven't had that feeling so intensely from pop-culture since I read The Fault In Our Stars, and I

I'm a day behind on Colbert, but those Russia opening credits for this week are a thing of beauty.

It was an experience. The prologue alone tugged at my heartstrings and just kept getting better from there. My mum read/watched some of it with me and enjoyed it a lot too to the point where we'll probably sit down and go through it sometime over the next few days.

If anyone had told me that I'd cry over a lightbulb, I'd have thought you were crazy. Thanks to 17776 for proving me wrong.

He was condemned by the whole panel and the host. There was widespread repulsion from the audience and he was laughed at when he tried to follow up his question, but it was disgusting. My jaw literally dropped and even though my nausea was already bad going into the panel, it severely increased at that moment.

Besides the beauty that was Wimbledon, my viewing has been minimal, but I did start Silicon Valley which I love and was devastated to discover real-world events that, as I understand it, will effect the show from season 2 on. I'm 5 episodes in, and I did not expect the pay-off of the garage door mural to be as good as

The White House released some of the public's responses regarding Trump's Electoral Commission. They are brilliant.

The other thing is that at uni, I don't have a TV, so I just watch everything on the networks catch up services, so on some level it's just getting used to having access to a TV again.

Exactly! It's barely a defence! I'm trying to think of any other thing to say but I really don't have the words for it. Typing about it is making it feel more real but it still on some level doesn't feel like it has actually happened.

It's kind of appropriate that it's 213 years since the Burr/Hamilton duel of 1804 today. This is all very Hamiltonian in 'The Reynolds Pamphlet' sense.

I honestly haven't had the urge to watch a lot of TV for a while. I'm making my way through I Love Lucy with my parents, but besides some quiz/reality/late-night shows, I really haven't felt like watching TV. I have far too much stuff to catch up on - mum wants to watch Mad Men which is a great time for me to actually