Dr Regina Phalange

I just finished my rewatch of it last week and my first time watching all of the show in one sitting. Yeah, I still find the show to be overrated, but it's just a really lovely show to watch right now. Sort of like my comedy equivalent of The West Wing.

Trailer for Season 6 of Veep looks great:

I was literally going to mention that. Finished season 1, am going to have to wait a long time for s2.

I'm not very far in, so my favourites are "I Have Friends" and "Settle For Me".

After I rewound the first episode with the theme song, it seems to have not jumped it. It also helps that in other episodes, it's after an opening scene. So I'm not really sure.


Just had to restart episode 2 because silly Netflix skipped the theme song! Which I will now have stuck in my head for a long time.

Just started Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It's good!

I've had debates where we've completely disagreed with the topic and have had nothing to say after 1 hour of prep that sounded more coherent than this.

NPR has a good transcript and annotation of the whole thing if you're like me and cannot stomach the thought of watching the press conference:

Update on my 2048 12x12 game that will not die: Just passed 100,000,000 points.

It's a hard thing to categorise - it fits well in both categories - but I know that Edelman considers it a movie, so I simply defer to him.

- Take your pick from VEEP - 'Mother' or 'Inauguration' for me.
- 'Fish Out of Water' or 'That's Too Much Man' or 'That Went Well' from BoJack Horseman.
- I've soured a lot on The Circus and still haven't watched the last episode, but they did a really great episode called 'The Reckoning', which focuses on Romney's

You're streets ahead of me in the best department, but thank you. Constant vigilance will be the catch cry of the year - we're going to be ok.

Awwwwww. *hugs* I will always remember reading your first comment here - SBT said it perfectly, you really are the best of us.

It's something that interested me, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Is it any good?

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season 1 is finally on Netflix here and if I didn't have a million things to do before I go back to university, I'd be binge watching it right now.

I remember that - I think it was 4 years ago now.

And Rudy! Don't forget Rudy!

I think it's up to the court. They could chose to take it now or chose to not hear the case, which would uphold the lower courts ruling. I'm not sure it can delay though.