I always forget you guys call it Cantaloupe.
I always forget you guys call it Cantaloupe.
To their credit, Netflix did pick a great scene for Friends. Unfortunately, I never really watch it because it's in one of my least favourite episodes.
I have the Digital Short stuck in my head. I don't know if it's the most annoying Lonely Island song I've had stuck in my head, but it's definitely top 5.
Thank ye, thank ye! I will pass those on to my parents! Those all sound like things we would be into. I know we've got a day designated to go to Alcatraz and cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge is up there.
I have no idea what that is.
Once, in primary school, I had to do a talk on our family pet. Our dog, a Boston Terrier named Max, was about 18 months old at the time and was destroying everything, so instead of doing a talk, and because it was around Christmas, I rewrote The 12 Days of Christmas into The 12 Things In Our House that Max Has…
I'm going to be there in December! Any recommendations?
Exactly. The characters were at the bare minimum relatable.
The first half of the first season was filmed before it aired, and wow does that show.
I started getting annoyed with it in the second season and eventually quit in the middle of … I think it was the 5th episode of season 3? I can't remember, but I know a lot more people stuck around with it for a lot longer than I did.
Glee got me reading The AV Club, which then got me watching Community.
This makes me sad:
I would use that quote more if people at uni knew what SNL is :(
The Looking Movie will air July 23:
Doesn't Brie have a period piece from the Downton Abbey guy on Amazon?
You have got to be kidding me.
Congratulations! I will now picture you as a part of this: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I still have no idea why we're competing, but I would say that:
a) Narwhal's right with the family history
b) We just really love Eurovision.