Yeah, I can see that. I can't shake this Citizen Kane vibe that's just washed over me ā¦.
Yeah, I can see that. I can't shake this Citizen Kane vibe that's just washed over me ā¦.
Just hit the 'trusted colleagues' section, but I can see the weirdly human bit with the progressiveness from the 1980's stuff. Still does nothing for me, but I can see how it might overwhelm the negative stuff for some people.
Oh god all this is just bringing back my nausea. Also doesn't help that me and a friend have been having a rather horrific experience with a guy in our history class/tutorials, so these testimonies, while not identical, ring a similar bell.
Congratulations Randy!
Since he wrapped up the nomination, my podcast intake has quadrupled and I'm still confused as to how we got here.
If you asked me how I'd be starting off my major history essay for this semester, I doubt I would answer you by saying 'with a John Green quote'. Yet, here I am.
I have! And I keep forgetting! Thanks so much!
Oh hey this reminds me - a long time ago, you recommended to me a synth band that you liked and I remember you linking a clip of them playing on Letterman? or a late-night show. For the life of me, I cannot remember their name - do you remember which band you were talking about?
Yes, I like this a lot.
Finally watched The Good Wife finale. Cannot put into words how much it disappointed me to realise how little I cared about the outcome of what happened. I feel the show's always had a disconnect between how the writers saw their characters and how they actually appeared on the show and that resulted in this mess ofā¦
š That sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.
It's times like this where I'm sad I'm not American, but then I remember health care and that I'll be in Europe and Australia when it comes there/here and I go back to my existence of listening to Hamilton on repeat.
I remember that Frasier title card!
I feel that you could substitute past characters for a fair few present characters.
It airs here on Wednesday so I'll watch it on catch up just to see Josh Charles tbh.
I've read a recap and it just sounds ā¦. Bad. Ryan McGee called it worse than the HIMYM finale.
Reading my Twitter feed during The Good Wife series finale has been more confusing than writing about Citizen Kane in German.
So PM Malcolm Turnbull just called a double dissolution election to be held on July 2. I find it hilarious we will have our election before the US's but I also cannot get over the fact that all this is playing out less than 5km away from me.
In the great words of Sally Brown, 'That's my new philosophy'.