Dr Regina Phalange

The Larry Sanders Show will be on HBO's streaming service soon:

Google's removed searches related to 'Ted Cruz' and 'zodiac killer'.

I'm pretty sick, so thankfully my week of assessment mania has been pushed back until next half of semester, meaning I can pretty much play anytime except for Friday.

So MajorCommand release a new board … MASSIVE EUROPE.

One of my favourite lines so far from reviews comes from A.O Scott:


Sounds about right.

Corpse Bride, anyone?

I appreciate the mentioning of murder. It's weird that that's an actual possibility on the table.

They do share so many similarities ….

I believe you can only listen to it through iTunes. It's from 3/5/16. On the weekends they often put up audios of other podcasts or podcasts that 538 analysts have been on.

Spoiler Alert: If I remember correctly, Trump gets impeached and Cruz becomes President.

Sure, but I was more thinking in terms of an unified and cohesive ticket. There's something about Kasich's 'moderatism' and Trump's insanity that together doesn't quite work for me.

This is the part where I urge everyone again to listen to the 538 Podcast episode 'On The Media On Predictions' and skip forward to 42:43 - they look back on the Trump Presidency and it is brilliant. Historic disaster indeed.

I think there's a chance some of the party might coalesce around him, but there's still going to be a huge part of the party that will openly criticise Trump, another that won't support him and would back a 3rd party run and another that just wouldn't not show up to vote.

Exactly. I can see him giving Kasich some sort of cabinet position. But not VP! And not on dry land!

Anyone feeling some 'Say No To This' vibes?

In the 538 Podcast, Silver suggested that Kaisch's actions can be explained through two paradigms:
1. Kasich is angling for Trump's VP or
2. The Kasich campaign has no idea what it's doing.

Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz wrote a book on TV: