Dr Regina Phalange

If my mum gives me some money, I'll go see a Star War.

Me too! Granted I haven't seen any Star Wars movies either.

Auspol insanity arises!

It fits with the YA shift that's been occurring over the past few years aka 'The John Green Effect'.

I gave up on the second season after watching the UK original. I enjoyed season 1, but I haven't really had any motivation to watch 3 and 4.

I'm 5 minutes into the first episode of the first season!

Master of None probably wasn't my best 'let's put this on in the background while studying at the library' pick, but I finally finished the first season. Really enjoyed it. Mentioned a while back to some people that I thought the season so far felt like a collection of short stories and am now going through the AV

I don't really use that, but yay!

You need to download Smart Converter which will convert those forms into mp4. They will then appear in your iTunes and you can put them onto your iPad from there.


Is anyone ever *truly* fully awake?

You can download SmartConverter which will make any video into an iTunes/Apple format, which you can then put on the iPad via iTunes. Would definitely recommend.

Never seen it.


Followed all except for which season Joey was played by a reptilian alien?

He's got very high favourables in the north-east that could make him very competitive there, or so 538 tells me. If he focuses there and lets Cruz go everywhere else, that might deny Trump a majority.

I would seriously recommend to listen to that podcast because it's a really compelling argument.