Dr Regina Phalange

Lin Manuel Miranda, also known as the guy who wrote Hamilton, was one of the recipients of this year's MacArthur 'genius grant'. The soundtrack is now streaming on Spotify.

Well I know what I'm doing on Monday:

Chris Brown's visa to Australia got rejected. WOOHOO!

Chvrches cover of 'What Do You Mean?' by Bieber. The original to me is not great, but I quite like their cover one, though to be fair I haven't heard a bad Chvrches cover. Can they release an album entirely made of covers?

Hamilton and Chvrches being pre-released on NPR AND released in stores/on iTunes for the former has lead this week to be the week where I have listened to the most new music - in addition to causing me heaps and heaps of excitement of course - and now I'm on a roll. Anyone got music from 2014/2015 recommendations?

That was the 2nd thing that came up.

I may have had to look up 'in the nosebleeds'. I've only ever heard that called 'the Gods'.

: O

Forgot to mention this, but the soundtrack to Hamilton the Musical is on NPR. Would certainly recommend.

I keep coming back to Empty Threat - in addition to the singles and Make Them Gold - but that might be my favourite non-single from the album.

Grade Rummy, anyone?

You know what, SG? Frère Jacques for you on your birthday next year. One chorus.

i would download it but
a) uni wifi
and b) i'm kind of excited to get up early, go to the shops and buy a copy. i'm resolving not to buy any music online - unless i can't get a copy of it, like say original music recordings.

The first one was a history essay, so unfortunately I have a huge awareness of what I was doing.

god bless you stingo

Wow, I think I've discovered that the worst thing to do after spending all day writing an essay is going to edit another essay that you have no memory of writing. Huzzah!

John Oliver on Tony Abbott at the Emmys:

When Stephen was here it did not go well, but he's informed me he successfully did a slam back home! So yay!

Trying to think of any other things, but you not being able to understand how to get through the train barriers was rather funny. The gate was right in front of you!

I may or may not have been playing on repeat since Wednesday ….