Dr Regina Phalange

Hmmmm …. I might wait it out for one with the Every Open Eye album cover on it because oh my god it's so pretty - and it goes with my Vampire Weekend one.

: O

Even a channel that normally gives top 10 pop culture lists couldn't resist this: The 10 Most Cringeworthy Tony Abbott Moments:

Warning to all: I have played two games of Risk. To Stephen's horror, I won both of them. I now understand what you all were saying about Australia being a very good continent to have!

Chvrches are making it very hard on me to pick a favourite song. Probably a bigger fan of the voice break on the second 'I believe nothing that I'm told' on Leave a Trace, but it's still a close contest between that, 'I don't regret' on Never Ending Circles - which I am a huge fan of - and the climax of Clearest Blue.

To be fair, this leadership battle which has been going on since February is kind of like a presidential battle. But without the ads. Or interviews. Basically it's just all the fun speculative stuff with none of the horrible side-effects.

So Australian terms aren't fixed like US ones, but there is an expiry date for Parliament.

It's a good/bad part of the Westminster system I guess. We vote for the representative, the party votes for the leader. It's the 3rd time this has happened since 2010, resulting in 4 different leaders since then - though it's *technically* 5 as one guy was leader twice.

Totally understandable. I'm hoping he does a bit more, but we won't know much until a good few months into his leadership.

Well, 4-ish hours, but yeah.



If all goes according to my plan, the Liberal Party here will vote in Malcolm Turnbull and ABBOTT WILL BE GONE ALONG WITH HIS ONIONS.

You go for the Kangaroos? I thought we were playing another WA team …
Also yeah, I just checked and since 2008 we've only lost against you guys once. Though I really do think we'll lose. (If we do win though, I think we might take the whole thing.)

I fully expect Sydney to lose. 9 points this week dammit! We were so close!

*so proud right now*

I may have read 'He was kind of a bad person' in the voice of BoJack Horseman.

I went for high tea today and the waiter who brought out and explained our food spoke exactly like Tom Haverford. After I realised this I kept waiting for him to say that our egg sandwiches were Pre-Bird Sammies.

I've seen most of these before, but damn in that context those are Office worthy reaction shots.