Dr Regina Phalange

That's probably the only 100% I'm going to get this year ….

1. The Psychology of Letting Go.
2. Meow Meow Beanz.
3. Remedial Chaos Theory.
4. Mixology Certification.
5. Paradigms of Human Memory
6. Geography of Global Conflict
7. Contemporary American Poultry.
8. Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
9. Critical Film Studies?
10. Regional Holiday Music.

Dunno if anyone has posted this, but 'Everything Hannibal wore on Hannibal':

I was about to say the same! Welcome to Sydney. Here's a $20 movie ticket.

I really enjoyed Breathless. It was probably the Godard that got the biggest reaction out of me. Pierrot le Fou was a stunning film - which is why it's ranked so high for me. I really enjoyed Contempt too, but the ending was a bit off for my liking.

Honestly, I'd rewatch 1-4 any day. I really loved 1-2 and enjoyed 3-4, 5 was … eh and I just did not like Masculin Feminin. I was ill when watching Mon Oncle, so I will give that another try but I didn't enjoy it.

It looks too much like ours. I'm sure there's a better reason, but that's the one I hear cited a fair bit.

Yeah! The Black jack was the one that stood out to me the most - love their spin on the Union Jack.

New Zealand has narrowed down their new national flag from 40 to 4 designs!

1. Breathless
2. Pierrot le Fou
3. Contempt
4. 8 1/2
5. Tout va Bien
6. Mon Oncle
7. Masculin Feminin

Wow, the Sydney Morning Herald really loves mentioning the AV Club:

Guys, John Oliver said and I kid you not:

Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?

What exactly are you referring to with the government screwing us over? There's just so many things it could be ….

I'm helping out backstage at our Hall's play: When the Rain Stops Falling, and man it is a brilliant play but so confusing. My friend and I drew out a genealogy chart … and we still got it wrong.

Have been completely forgetting to wish people here happy birthday. Sorry if I've missed yours, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARWHAL!

tere you have a knack of posting these games at the times where i have no time and dammit tere


Don't drink.
Arugula! We grew it for a while, came out a bit too bitter for my liking, but I tend to use it as a substitute for lettuce when I can.
Cheese, glorious cheese …
Lamb. Always lamb.

boooooooooooourns to you