

What occurred to me on rewatch was that scene came directly after Picard speechifying about how when someone has been angry for a long time, they forget what it's like not to be angry. The camera lingers on O'Brien a bit after that, then the 10 Forward scene. Obviously Picard's words got to him in some way and he

Yeah had keyboard issues. There's a link now.


Or just $150 for Sunday Ticket

Well, those are your choices: $200 parking or a crowded train for $3.50 (round trip). It's good to have options. Also, I would be surprised if the streets were much faster than waiting in crowds for the train.

Do you have a surround sound system? If so, just disconnect the center channel and make sure your audio receiver does no processing of the sound (on my Yamaha, the setting is STRAIGHT). Voilà, no more announcers but you'll still hear the stadium sounds, ref, etc.

The only way I can watch NFL broadcasts is either: a) RedZone; or b) with no announcers. I accomplish the latter by disconnecting the center channel on my surround sound system, which is where the announcers come through, but that still leaves the stadium sounds, the ref, etc. You'd be surprised how much of the

She's standing in a shower. It's not lascivious by any means. But it still provokes thought (some might argue it subverts the narrative of sexiness), and that is worthy of discussion, particularly since it appeared on her album cover, and she is ostensibly a musician. She opened the door by fusing sexuality (either

In the case of Ferreira, her album cover had a topless picture of herself. She actively used her sexuality to sell records. Isn't it then fair game to discuss how her sexuality influences her perception as a musician and her ability to sell records?

It's unclear to me if you're digitizing the CDs that you're "purging". If you're not, you should. Storage is ridiculously cheap and, why not? And if for some reason you decide you want something on CD again you can burn it back.

Medellin is a must-visit

This should be upvoted a hundred times. That's just irresponsibly inaccurate reporting by the AV Club about the judge's reasoning— it almost smacks of an intentional misstatement in order to inflame the commentariat.

6tin is a good Tinder app on Windows Phone.

Why, what do they have there?

If you want to be a pedant, you can answer that any attempt to quantify self-worth will, by necessity, rely on using a number— e.g. your salary, number of people you've slept with, number of facebook friends who wished you a happy birthday, etc., all of which fail to capture the uniqueness that is you.

I think it really depends on how well things have been going up to that point. My current relationship had a home-cooked meal as date #5 and it was perfect. But I knew it would be going in to the night because we were both really really in to each other, and had already said as much to each other.

Jennifer Connelly has green eyes.

I liked him as the villain in "Fringe". Oh wait, different David Robert Jones? Nvm…

I hope more of these shows make people realize the police are NOT your friends. They're not there to try to get to the truth; they're there to clear cases. This applies to the DA as well. If they can railroad some innocent person into being convicted, hey, it makes their numbers look better. They can lie to witnesses,