
Although I'd love it if she was Luke's love child from that time he knocked up a hooker on Jakku.

Damnit Chloe, there isn't TIME!

So y'all are just a couple of bookies

Winning? Seriously though, best of luck to him. With modern meds, it's really more like diabetes (chronic, slowly debilitating disease) rather than a death sentence.

Yup, a reference that is now 10 years old. I'm not sure why they used it here.

Who the hell is "SL" and why did they start answering questions at the end of the interview?

I got the impression from the last scene that there is some crossover between reality and the video game. I expect that, once she unsheaths the katana and goes back into the game, the samurai will have been defeated (since she took care of the security guards in real life).

One can be a sexist asshole without wanting to inflict bodily harm on someone. One can think women should stay home with the kids or aren't cut out to be president or CEO without wanting to commit rape. The term rape culture is highly polarizing and exclusionary. A lot of men might think, well I'd never rape anyone so

Attempted murder? Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry? Do they?

"You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!"
"Yeahhhh, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one"

Hot damn! That's how they got me to vote for Lyndon LaRouche!

I can't believe everyone missed the obvious correct answer, which is of course (The) Deep Blue Sea: a heartbreaking story of a married Englishwoman who has an affair with a genetically engineered shark. Or something like that.

Yeah it's unfortunate. But they're otherwise fun people, we just avoid talking about this show.

Sorry, I'm not talking about the commentariat here but people in my real life. There is a large swath of people whom I know who brook no criticism of Amy Schumer while at the same time acknowledging that they really value her message more than her comedy.

Spot on. Liking her show is a way to show your egalitarian bona fides, the actual content be damned. This is a massively unpopular opinion, but I grew tired of the 12 Angry Men sketch about halfway through. I felt as though, here's this ridiculous criticism that she faces, so she's going to beat it into the ground ad

I know you don't have paid editors but there's really no excuse for sentences like this to make it through: "Keanu Reeves’ no-frills directorial debut is essentially a feature-length tribute to stuntmen and martial artists, conceived as a starring vehicle for Tiger Chen, with whom he first met while working on the

Lesson from an old movie: make sure you have Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers with the most bad-ass handshake ever put on film in the first 10 minutes of your movie.

Predator is like a master class in action. There's some bullshit excuse to get a bunch of roided out guys into the jungle and then it's just ass-kicking time.

Ah yes, the ridiculous 77% canard rears its ugly head again. I'd rather trust an organization such as American Association of University Women. Their latest report indicates a pay gap of ~7% one year out from college and ~12% 10 years out, when controlling for a variety of variables.

Is it empirically verified? The last time I looked into the research (admittedly a couple of years ago) the data was far from conclusive. Has the state of the evidence changed? Do you have any citations (for my own edification)?