
Bing Rewards gets me free Hulu. Hence, I use Bing.

There's absolutely nothing logical about threatening to kill someone who said what he said. On that part I completely agree with him.

It seems ludicrous to compare this show to The Walking Dead, but the one thing they have in common is a world in which the usual social order is destroyed. The very first thing we see (this show's version of) Carol do is criticize Phil's grammar on a very pedantic matter. Then she accuses him of stealing famous art

The point isn't really whether Carol is unpleasant or not (I happen to think she is, but that's a personal opinion). It's more about how Phil sees her character and how that sets up the show's central conflict. He started out hating her, and now barely tolerates her; add to that situation a "cool" (aka not-Carol),

To subvert the trope of "shrewish ugly woman he's stuck with" vs. "beautiful cool alternative" they should have made him meet January Jones first but make her a bitch— essentially Schaal's character. Yes, she'd be gorgeous but simply an unpleasant person whom he despised. Then he could have met Schall, and have her be

I generally agree with that view, but would add that both this column and Girls (the show and the review) are proffered as pop culture about Very Serious Things. Sexism. Homophobia. Millennial angst. As such, they will naturally attract more page views and commentary than a column whose picture has George Lucas as

This column takes itself seriously. GJI doesn't. It's like back in the day when Jon Stewart called out Tucker Carlson (remember him?) and other "hard news" shows for being terrible, and the response was "well your show sucks too!". JS had a comedy show. GJI is supposed to be light and stupid.

You got the number wrong.

I always recommend this movie to my friends who haven't seen it, but with the following caveats: make sure you're well-rested, not hung over, not too late at night, maybe after a cup of coffee. It's a phenomenal movie but parts of it are slow. There's no getting around that. But it's meant to be— it's supposed to

Big Fat Man has Big Fat Heart

I've also got soul but I'm not a soldier.

I hate the bottom bar which has been getting bigger and bigger over the years. It's especially irritating when they show replays and the bar covers up the crucial part of the play (e.g. did his knee hit in bounds or not). Stupid fucking bottom bar.

I've always been a fan of the paper bag over the head.


So basically you're saying I should go re-watch Rounders instead of paying money to see this.

Santa's helper is Gunnery Sgt. Hartman:

To be fair, I stole a lot of my points from Red Letter Media. But they were spot on.

But I put paragraph breaks and everything!

Ah yes, the old "Star Wars was for children argument", used to somehow justify the crappiness of the prequels (and apparently the sequel as well). Let's look at that, shall we?

The examples given aren't really "science" in the modern sense, in that they involved hypotheses that were tested and the results analyzed. More like "common thinking at the time". For instance, there has been evidence that the earth is round since ancient Greece (the shape of the earth's shadow during lunar