
Did anyone else expect Rick to cap that cop in the head after his fight with Daryl? I thought it would have shown how far from his humanity he had strayed. Also, they should have confiscated the bulletproof vests and also tied all the hostages to fixed objects in that building, such as weight-bearing columns or iron


I'm sorry, but this gets back to the whole issue of "if the show needs a completely separate hour of television to explain the plot then it sucks".

I really thought there were going to be some real consequences to Tyrese letting Tim Lincecum go. Instead he was just one more warm body they hacked to death in the church.


If there's anything that S4 of Arrested Development taught me, it's that brevity is indeed the soul of wit.

The old-school colors of the Rams (royal blue and yellow) were bad-ass. There was a throwback game a couple of seasons ago and I thought they were easily better uniforms than any current team's.

They're both great but different songs, really. What I hear with Cash is an old man, at the end of his life, looking back with wistfulness and regret, waiting to die. Whereas Reznor is a young man who has ruined himself via self-loathing and self-abuse, who sees death as his only salvation. I think there's room in

I see a ship in the harbour
I can and shall obey
But if it wasn't for your misfortunes
I'd be a heavenly person today

-"This show is the biggest farce I've ever seen!"
-"What about the Emmys?"
-"I stand corrected"

Or, call it what it actually is: BS

Pick a convention: refer to either the actors or the characters and stick to it for everyone FFS. Why are you intentionally trying to confuse your readers?

CGI the fish, let's fast-track this!

Affluenza was the title of some shitty educational short they made us watch in grad school to warn us about the dangers of overspending on credit. It was ridiculous.

The reviewer's criticism of this movie (that teenagers are too young to have the life of regret to make a story like this work) is the same reason I couldn't enjoy Brick. I couldn't accept the fact that the characters were all in high school. I just kept saying to myself, "who CARES, you're 16!"

I have it on good authority that the same people who make Steve Guttenberg a star also hold back the electric car.

I've recently (over the last 3 years) gotten into the NHL but I wish it was more skills-oriented and less physically brutal. It's an amazing feat to skate, all-out, while controlling a small puck with an unwieldy stick and still have the ability to make crisp passes and shots. That's what I want to see more of. It's

Yes, I'm sure all the Latin American immigrants driving the Univision ratings all meet up at the local watering hole afterwards to compare the length of their beards and drink PBR.

The draws exist only in the group stage. In the knockout phase you have to have a winner so OT and penalty kicks apply. Remember this a tournament and the idea is to have a round-robin first stage to select who will proceed to the later stages.
It was initially 4 minutes. But an additional minute was added because Zusi

The whole sport is inconsistent, subjective, and arbitrary. Why is one challenge a foul but another is not? What is the line between a yellow card offense and a red card offense? Why can one team look completely overmatched for 88 out of 90 minutes and yet still win the game (US v. Ghana)? Some people like that,