
Goal scoring is very very difficult in soccer. That's also why the team that dominates the stats (possession, number of passes, shots on goal, etc.) has a fairly high chance of not winning— it's responsible for the capriciousness of the result. Some people like that randomness, some people hate it.

I think that the simple rule should be that once the batter enters the batter's box he can't leave except for some exceptions (e.g. broken bat, hit by foul, etc.). It would make the game so much more fluid. I can't stand the guys who step out after. every. fucking. pitch. and. unstrap. and. restrap. their. gloves.

Exactly. I don't think that as a 6 or 7 year old I had a solid enough grasp on human sexuality to understand why being homosexual was considered an insult. But I did know it was what you called other boys who didn't fall into line in the social hierarchy of the playground.

I liked him in True Lies.

In his defense, pretty much everything Snyder does with that team screams "overcompensating!".

Maybe his gay Jewish cabdriver was late.


So…you're advocating biologic warfare against a civilian population in order to wipe it out? Got it. That's not crazy at all.

I know the review for it here was terrible, but I really enjoyed The Grey. People seemed to think it would be Taken in the Alaskan wilderness with wolves but it was actually a very thoughtful meditation on one's place in the world and the struggle against mortality.

Eastern Sports Programming Network

I love the Myon and Shane 54 Summer of Love remix of "Young and Beautiful". If you like trance it's the way to go.

*Audience applause and cheers*

I agree that the typical person can't be fucked to build a computer but maintenance is virtually nil. I built my computer in 2007, upgraded all the components in 2011, and haven't opened the case since. It's basically my main computer/media server and runs 24/7 with no issues.

As long as we're talking Kubrick, how about Full Metal Jacket? After boot camp, you jump to Vietnam and Joker is in the middle of the war.

Well, maybe Kesha should have stuck to songwriting and not performing. Listen, you don't have to be an opera singer to have a successful pop song. But you should have SOME talent as a performer if you're in a song. Preferably that should be a strong voice that is mostly in tune, but that can be compensated for by the

Pop music in any era has always been criticized for being too generic, following a formula, etc. The thing is, it doesn't have to be god-awful. Disco rubbed a lot of people the wrong way but you can't deny that the people could actually sing and that someone was creating pleasing harmonies. Even a few years ago, when

a) a lot of developmentally delayed people have some sort of syndrome (which is defined merely as a constellation of disparate problems— may or may not be genetic in origin) which can include facial defects.
b) it is difficult to give proper oral care to someone who is developmentally delayed; think about how

I know the term "friend zone" is anathema around these parts, but I think it describes a legitimate situation that many people (not always men BTW) find themselves in. You are interested in another person romantically and make your feelings known; the other person demurs but states that s/he would like to remain

And do you know where Charles Whitman (the UT shooter) learned to shoot? IN THE MARINE CORPS. (That's a movie reference in case anyone thinks I'm besmirching the armed forces)

That definitely looked like LA Union Station, or a very good mockup.