
I'd better work on my balloon animal skills then

A "C"? You,, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!

In other words, they lack any and all emotional complexity, and people can act as selfish or ignorant or be as lazy as they want and never be judged for it.

I mean, forget about editing. Basic spell check should catch that!

Yippee ki yay, Mr. Falcon

You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie.

I'm three years late to this article, but I think Enterprise is a better show than Voyager. I suppose that's damning with faint praise, but considering the resources Voyager had vs. Enterprise, I think it's an accomplishment. The first two seasons are bland, but I liked how they couldn't just tech their way out of

It's far from clear that resection of a healthy breast leads to a longer life expectancy. The data is definitely not clear on that.

The X-Files debuted in 1994 and was a big hit its first season. Hardly "late 90s". By the late 90s it had descended into an impenetrable fog of plot contrivances.

That whole lead up to Joe getting blocked felt very realistic to me and one of those situations where no one is totally right (mind you, I mean up until the point when Joe starts screaming at her— that's clearly crossing a line). But the initial questioning and the way he runs with the idea, and her totally shutting

Yeah I always enjoy having to google basic information presented in the articles I'm reading. Or, you know, the writer could include that basic information IN THE ARTICLE. And sorry I don't remember one actor on a TV show that went off the air over 10 years ago. Some of us actually have important things to remember.

It would have been nice if the article had bothered to explain who the fuck Danny Masterson is and why we should care that he's been accused of this crime.

Re: Martha Ruiz. She's not being asked back because she also didn't do her job, which was to bring attention to the error BEFORE people got to the mic:

This essay that Kaye wrote in the Guardian is a small glimpse into his mental pathology:…
It starts out ok, with him being contrite and having insight into what a lunatic he was during the production of American History X, but then he jumps right back onto the train to crazy town with his

I think it's true that to some extent, you could call a penalty on every play (especially holding). But, to me, by and large, the enforcement seems relatively consistent across the league from week to week. Those interminable sequences of penalty after penalty are almost always when bad teams are playing, and one of

Yeah, leave it to liberals to criticize exploitative sports paradigms that permanently scramble people's brains.

I hear that complaint all the time, but maybe if teams weren't committing blatantly obvious penalties so much there would be fewer flags.

O. Co. Coliseum isn't really a shithole. That's just the story the league puts out to justify extorting cities to build a new stadium. It's loud, the sightlines are great, it's easy to get in to and out of (next to a freeway and a BART stop) and has fairly nice bathrooms.