
Regardless of anything else, this article motivated me to go work out for the first time in over a month. Thank you.

Aaaand that's reason #53 why Disqus sucks.

They should check out noted self-help videos such as "Get Confident, Stupid!" and "Smoke Yourself Thin!". Sounds like both could be useful.

They're "allowed" anything they want. Since they don't use public airwaves the FCC has no authority to censor them. However, they choose to self-censor so as not to alienate advertisers and viewers.

So, it's like real life?


This article inspired me to listen to the album again and I had forgotten just how dark AIC's sound can be. I mean, from the get-go, "Rotten Apple" is one of those songs that sticks with you both musically and lyrically. I realize that it's not really music I queue up on a random night just to listen to. I only really

I've always found the Unplugged version better (and they're both great). The tempo is slowed down just a bit and the lack of vocal processing really makes it feel more intimate and haunting.

Love this album. Somehow I didn't discover it until years after I heard Dirt and it blew my mind. So different yet so good.

They breast-fed for longer and then transitioned to normal food right away, when the kid was older. Also, there are ways of pulverizing food, without electricity, that don't involve chewing it. Humans are not birds.

The problem I had with tonight's episode was that each scene was way too short. It would be like 6 lines of dialogue, joke, and cut to the next scene (with that stupid atom animation). It really prevented the formation of any kind of comic rhythm.

Mostly he just cried. He's got a real morale problem!

FWIW, I can't think of many cultures/countries in the world that wouldn't be grossed out by a brother/sister love affair.

I think it's weird that a 50 year old man still goes by "Johnny"

I'm going to state the obvious and say that SOS is probably paying for prostitutes who are decades younger than he is. So, it's not that he simply misses sex; he misses sex with younger women.

What a mess.

I was convinced this was a season 2 episode, not just for the sentimentality, but the ordinariness of the plot. I mean, it's completely grounded and is something that could happen on any family sitcom. Very season 2ish.

The half-assed guide to foundation repair

Deep Space Homer. It's just about perfect in my mind. Lots of great lines ("I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords"), you get to see crazy Homer (but not too crazy), plus it has this exchange:

Yeah it stuck out like a sore thumb to me too. Sadly it's way too common to see grammatically-challenged sentences make it past the editor's knife, especially in online-only publications. Maybe I'm just naïve in assuming there actually is an editor.