
Change to: "As the married-with-children Bobby and Andi Lutz, Kevin Connolly and Majandra Delfino give Friends With Better Lives its boring, contented perspective characters…"
It's at least grammatically correct now, although it makes the subject of the sentence to the actors, whereas I think the writer wanted to

"Best" is tough to nail down, but if you require that all installments of the series have to be good it eliminates a lot of contenders (e.g. Godfather, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, LOTR if you count the Hobbit). Off the top of my head I'd nominate the Three Colors series or the Man With No Name

Wow, two Mark Wa(h)lberg-related articles on the same day. Give it a rest, AV Club!

I love the joke about Princeton being a clown college.

I'm amazed by all the people here who actually get a "no" when they ask someone out who's not into them. More often than not (especially in the age of non-spoken communication e.g. texts/Viber/etc.) there simply is no response. Me: Hey, want to get a drink on Thursday? Her: [crickets]. The great thing about the

Ow! My balls!

If you had to sit through one of the prequels multiple times, I think you should count yourself lucky it was Sith. That was a D-, compared to the other two being straight F's. Thank god for small miracles.

I wish more people felt like you with regard to Jake Lloyd. It was kind of depressing to see people beating up on a 7 year old when it was so obvious he was the least of the issues with TPM.

Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer, do.
I'm half crazy
All for the love of you.
"I'm afraid, Dave"

I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way.

Hooray for Everything!

It not simply that he was a rapist. It's that he basically evaded any punishment for his crime.

"Has anyone suggested maybe this guy should just go to Nevada and get himself to a brothel or something?" Anyone aka Dan? That seems to be his standard go-to advice: Just hire a prostitute!

Get confident, stupid!

The boot-and-rally was a staple of mine in my youth.

Just need to careful about STDs, especially latent ones like HPV. There is some pretty convincing evidence that HPV infections lead to throat cancer (e.g. Michael Douglas).

Only if Rage Against the Machine is playing.

That's why the Richard Sherman rant was so amazing. He actually said something of substance, something every athlete in that situation thinks (on some level). He was refreshing in his candor.

The name/comment-synergy is strong in this one…

Yeah, there are some stunningly ugly buildings on campus. And I had the same experience with my architecture friends, they worked their asses off at all hours of the day and night. It did not look appealing in the least. Oh, and Go Bears!