
Did you by chance go to Berkeley?

Also in favor of Amy-Raj: she's the only one who consistently calls him Rajesh. A minor detail that shows her character has more respect for him than the others do.

Yet you engage in your own stereotypes of us city-folk by implying that we don't value things like patriotism and community, and are somehow immoral because we are less religious. And what "impossible crime rates" are you taking about? 10s of millions of Americans manage to live their lives in cities without being the

Got it. I missed the word "other" in the headline. I'm an idiot.

No "The Americans"? Ridiculous

I like the way they think…

@avclub-087970e21971cc19e2427e2fee6ba71c:disqus are you really surprised?

@lugnut yes it was "Eye on L.A" on KABC.

@avclub-b5706dc9508d67a01718c142ca80b8b4:disqus So are potatoes!

Ugh. I really dislike the use of the word "enormity" to denote size. Yes, it's technically correct according to the OED and MW, but it's a classic case of usage drift. Simply because it sounds like "enormous", it has now taken on a completely different meaning. See also: "bemused" vs. "amused".

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus two comely lasses of virtue true

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus I'm curious if your thoughts on wedding/wedding dress costs extend to the engagement ring itself? As an unmarried man it's an academic issue for me, but I've always felt the "3 months salary" rule of thumb to be absolutely absurd. That's a lot a of coin that could be

Actually, @Billie_Dawn:disqus that is probably the BEST way to die. I say this as a doc who logs some time in the ICU—you don't ever want to end up there. Randomly drop dead with no warning or suffering whatsoever? We should all be so lucky.

Hey Marge, remember when we used to make out to this hymn?

@avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus You realize Jake Lloyd was 8 years old during filming right? Pretty harsh to blame him for the abortion that was Ep. 1. Maybe blame the real-life Jabba with a kajillion dollars at his disposal?

I don't want to be that asshole who refers you to a Wikipedia article, but I will anyway:…. Diet Kloster Wallace is correct but the article goes into some of the theory of it.

Ok, does Schwarzenegger actually utter the words: "Ice to see you"? Because that's what McBain said in Last Exit to Springfield, and the idea that an actor said exactly what a satirical character based on him said several years earlier is awesome. And I can't be bothered to actually sit though that abortion of a movie

I feel like you just described Frank Grimes v. Homer Simpson. That didn't end well.

Dear god I hope this is real…